La mariposa phoebis sennae se encuentra en espacios abiertos templados, como praderas, parques, jardines, cursos de agua y costas, del norte, centro y sur de América. Tiene alas amarillas con manchas y bordes marrones o negros. Las hembras suelen presentar un color menos intenso que el de los machos y manchas amarillas en los bordes oscuros de las alas. Su envergadura es de 5,5 cm a 7,8 cm. Las orugas de esta mariposa tienen un color amarillo o verde brillante con una franja amarilla y manchas azules a cada lado.

Latin Name
Phoebis sennae
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Animal Facts
The cloudless sulphur is a migratory butterfly, with populations from the USA often travelling to Mexico or the Caribbean to overwinter.
When migrating, the cloudless sulphur can travel 20km a day.
The cloudless sulphur is often observed feeding from mud; it is thought that this may be a source of salt for the butterfly.
The chrysalis of the cloudless sulphur looks like a leaf, and the pupa inside will wriggle when touched to scare off predators.
The egg of the cloudless sulphur is pure white when first laid, but becomes yellow-orange as it approaches hatching time.