La tortuga espalda de diamante es una pequeña especie de tortuga que habita en los pantanos salobres de las costas al este y sur de Estados Unidos. Se caracteriza por un peculiar patrón de "diamantes" entrelazados en el caparazón formados por una alternancia de anillos concéntricos claros y oscuros. Este patrón y su coloración, sin embargo, varían dentro de la especie. La longitud media del caparazón de los machos es de 13 cm, mientras que las hembras alcanzan los 17.

Latin Name
Malaclemys terrapin terrapin
Conservation Status
Animal Category
Associated Product
Animal Facts
Diamondback terrapins were considered a delicacy and almost hunted to extinction for their meat in the 19th Century.
The Diamondback terrapin is sexually dimorphic; the males are significantly smaller than the females.
The concentric rings within the plates of the Northern diamondback terrapin’s shell are growth rings that form as the terrapin gets larger.
Diamondback terrapins live in brackish water (areas where freshwater and seawater mix) but require visits to freshwater to avoid dehydration.
Diamondback terrapins have salt glands behind their ear which allow them to excrete excess salt that they accumulate from living in near-marine environments.
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