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Wuerhosaurus is a large plant-eating dinosaur from the stegosaurid family, and first existed during the Early Cretaceous period in Asia. Wuerhosaurus can grow to more than 8m in length and weighs in excess of four tonnes, partly due to the thick, bony plates that protect its body from predators – and it also has a spiked tail that help it to defend itself when under attack.


The herbivorous ankylosaurid Minmi lived around 120m years ago during the Early Cretaceous period and can grow to a length of over 3m. Minmi is notable for its long tail and the horizontal armour plates that cover its body, protecting it from attacks by predators, while its legs are unusually long for a dinosaur from the Ankylosauria family, allowing it to run quickly.


Kronosaurus is a marine reptile from the pliosaur family dating back to the Early Cretaceous period and takes its name from the Greek god Kronos. Kronosaurus’ large, sharp teeth and enormous size – it can grow to in excess of 10m in length – made it the apex predator of its era, while this genus’ powerful flippers allow it to swim at high speeds.


Notable for its large, elongated skull and unusual curved jaw, Dsungaripterus is a genus of pterosaur that lived around 130 million years ago during the Early Cretaceous period. Dsungaripterus’ jaw narrows to a point and contains no teeth at the front, with a row of flat teeth at the back for piercing the armour of shellfish.