Machine Name

Kirk's Dik-Dik

Native to Eastern and Southern Africa, Kirk's dik-dik (or Madoqua kirkii) is a small antelope adapted to live in open grasslands. Giving them a delicate appearance, the short body rests on thin legs, the hind legs being longer. The head is small, with a pointy snout and large, round eyes. Males have short horns which may be covered partially or wholly by the tuft of hair on the forehead. The short fur is brown, gradually greying towards the back and hindquarters and a lighter shade on the belly. Males and females look alike except for the male's horns.

Pallas's Cat

Pallas's cat (or Otocolobus manul), also known as the manul, is a small wild cat native to Central and East Asia, its range limited to the West by the Caucasus mountains and to the South by the Himalayas. Its most striking feature is the incredibly dense and long fur that give it a chubby, plush appearance. The coat is grey with beige to rusty red shades, with sparse black tabby markings. The head is small and round, with small triangular ears emerging from the thick ruff around it.

Hamadryas Baboon

The hamadryas baboon (or Papio hamadryas) is a species of baboon, a large and mostly terrestrial primate, native to Ethiopa, Djibouti and Somalia in the Horn of Africa and Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula. Hamadryas baboons exhibit extreme sexual dimorphism not just in size, but also appearance. Both sexes are covered in shaggy fur, which is brown in females and silvery-white in males. Additionally, males have a thick mane, or cape, around the neck and a ruff of hair around the cheeks. With a dog-like snout, the face is hairless and red-brown in colour.


A large mustelid, the wolverine (or Gulo gulo) is native to the tundras and taigas of Northern Eurasia and North America. It has a stocky build with sturdy legs, a curved back, bear-like face, and small, rounded ears. It has thick brown-black fur with a yellow-white streak that runs from the head down each side of the body, rejoining at the tail. Wolverines grow between 65cm to 113cm long, 36cm to 45cm tall at the shoulder, and weigh between 9kg and 30kg. Males are slightly larger and significantly heavier than females.

Mute Swan

The mute swan (or Cygnus olor) is a large waterfowl that lives throughout Europe and Asia, with invasive populations in North America and Japan. It is white, with black feet and an orange-red bill, and black markings around the nostrils, eyes, as well as the edge and tip of the bill. A leucistic morph can occur, which is almost indistinguishable in adults, where the legs have a pink colour instead of black. Juvenile swans are normally grey, but have a white plumage if exhibiting leucism. Mute swans have a distinctive black basal knob on the root of the beak between the eyes.

Wild Boar

The wild boar (or Sus scrofa), also known as the Eurasian wild pig, is a pig native throughout the temperate regions of Eurasia, as well as Mediterranean Northern Africa, Asian deserts and shrublands, and tropical rainforests and grasslands of Southeast Asia. It has also been introduced to North and South America and Oceania. Due to its wide distribution and adaptability, there are 16 recognised subspecies of the wild boar, varying greatly in appearance. The largest wild boars live in Central and Eastern Europe.

Collared Peccary

The collared peccary (or Pecari tajacu) is a pig-like mammal adapted to living in a diverse array of environments. It’s native range spans across the rainforests, woodlands, semi-deserts, and grasslands of North, Central, and South America. Collared peccaries have coarse, grey hair that is slightly longer around the neck and spine. They are named after the ring of paler hair around their neck. They have a pig-like, round snout, short and straight tusks, and small, rounded ears. There is no sexual dimorphism in collared peccaries, meaning males and females look alike and are the same size.

Little Penguin

The little penguin (or Eudyptula minor), also known as the blue penguin, is a small species of marine bird that lives on the coastlines and in the surrounding oceans of Southern Australia and New Zealand. It has dark blue feathers dorsally – on its back – and white feathers ventrally – covering its belly and chin. The little penguin has black eyes, a black beak, and pink feet. Males and females of this species look alike. Little penguins stand 30cm tall on average, and weigh between 1.1kg and 1.5kg.

Desert Horned Viper

The desert horned viper (or Cerastes cerastes) is a venomous snake native to the deserts and semi-deserts of Northern Africa and the Middle East. It is also known as the Saharan horned viper. The body of the desert horned viper is sand-coloured, often with a paler underside. They may have slightly darker brown mottling on their scales as camouflage. The head is large and triangular. Most notably, they may have distinctive, pointed horns above their eyes, from which they get their name. Males and females look alike, although females tend to be slightly larger.

Sand Cat

The sand cat (or Felis margarita) is a small wild cat native to the deserts of North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. It has thick, sand-coloured fur, with thin, dark stripes across its back, legs, and tail. The sand cat’s face is round, with dark, striped markings, large ears and yellow eyes. Males and females look alike, and are 24cm to 36cm tall at the shoulder, 39cm to 52cm long, with their tail measuring a further 23cm to 31cm. Male sand cats weigh 2.1kg to 3.4kg, while females are a little lighter at 1.4kg to 3.1kg.