Machine Name

Titan Beetle

The titan beetle (or Titanus giganteus) is an extremely large species that lives in the tropical rainforests of South America. It has a large reddish-brown and black abdomen, black coloration on its legs, antennae and thorax, and pale wings with brown vein structures. The beetle’s robust mandibles are strong enough to snap through twigs and, while both sexes have wings, only the males are capable of flight. Like many species, it is threatened by the ongoing destruction of the rainforest habitat that it calls home.

Ring-tailed Lemur

Like all species of lemur, the ring-tailed lemur (or Lemur catta) is native to Madagascar and is not naturally found anywhere else in the world. Ring-tailed lemurs have a pointed muzzle, cat-like ears, and a long tail that has 12 or 13 white rings, 13 or 14 black rings, and a tip that is always black. They are usually between 39 and 46cm in size with a tail of 56 to 63cm and live in groups called ‘troops’ that will travel and forage together. Ring-tailed lemurs are omnivorous and will eat fruit, leaves, insects and most other food they can find.

Red Ruffed Lemur

The red-ruffed lemur (or Varecia rubra) is a critically endangered species of primate native to the Northern Masoala rainforests of Madagascar. With yellow eyes and a black pointed face surrounded by the distinctive red ruff, the lemur’s body is covered in thick red fur and it has a black tail, hands and feet. It also has a white patch on the top of its head.

Pygmy Hippopotamus

The pygmy hippopotamus (or Hexaprotodon liberiensis) is a species of medium-sized mammal that lives in the rainforests and swamps of Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and the Ivory Coast. They have grey-brown skin, small ears and sturdy legs with four-toed feet, and can usually be found near rivers, where they spend most of their time wallowing and sleeping. On average they are between 75 to 100cm tall, 150 to 175cm long and weigh between 180 and 275kg.


The okapi (or Okapia johnstoni) is a secretive species native to the dense forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo. They have a distinctive appearance with a grey-white face, dark brown coat across their torso, as well as bright white stripes across their legs and hindquarters. The sexes differ slightly as the males also have small horns, whereas females have whorls of hair in the equivalent area. Both average 1.4 to 1.6m tall and 2.4 to 2.6m long.


The mandrill (or Mandrillus sphinx) is a species of large monkey that lives in the rainforests and plateaus of Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Congo. They have olive to dark grey fur, a white stomach, and distinctive coloration on the face; a long pink strip runs down the middle of their muzzle to their nostrils, with blue pads on either side. They also have a yellow beard. Mandrill males are much larger than – and look very different from – females, with extremely bright colours on their faces and hindquarters.

Lehmann’s Poison Frog

Lehmann’s poison frog (or Oophaga lehmanni) is a species of amphibian endemic to the Colombian rainforests of the Anchicaya valley, and cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Preferring to live on the forest floor, the frog can occasionally be found residing on low branches and bushes, distinguished by the thick dark brown to black banding on its back, head and legs. In between these are bright lines of colouration that can occur in red, yellow and orange colour morphs. The frogs are an average of 31-36mm in length when fully grown.

Goliath Frog

The Goliath frog (or Conraua goliath) is an extremely large species that lives in the African rainforests of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, specifically in the fast-flowing rivers and streams. It can be green to dark brown in colour, with a paler underbelly, large yellow eyes, and may also have small, ridged bumps on its skin. Males are larger than females, weighing between 0.6 and 3kg and measuring between 17 and 30cm long. The species is endangered due to being over-hunted for food, as trophies and by the pet trade.

Goliath Birdeater

The Goliath birdeater (or Theraphosa blondi) is an extremely large species of tarantula native to the tropical rainforests, swamps and marshes of Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil and Venezuela. It is tan brown in colour, covered in red-brown hair, has a large abdomen with a large, round thorax, thick segmented legs, and elongated pedipalps (mouth parts). The female is larger than the male, and both sexes have pronounced appendages on the end of their abdomen known as ‘spinnerets’ that aid in web deposition.

Goliath Beetle

The Goliath beetle (or Goliathus goliatus) is a large species of insect that lives in the savannah and rainforests of Central Africa. The males and females are different in appearance and size; the males being larger – between 60 and 100mm – with a dark brown abdomen, a brown thorax with white stripes, black legs, as well as a white head with a Y-shaped horn. The females have shorter, thinner stripes on the thorax, are smaller in size – between 50 and 80mm – and do not have a horn.