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The cheetah (or Acinonyx jubatus) lives in the savannahs and dry woodlands of Central and Southern Africa. They can be recognised by their slim body, deep chest, thin legs and tail, as well as dark ‘tear marks’ on the face. Not to mention their most distinctive feature – their spots. Cheetahs are famous for being the fastest land animal, reaching up to 70mph when pursuing their prey. This is generally medium-sized mammals such as gazelle and impala.

Bornean Orangutan

The orangutan (or Pongo pygmaeus) is native to the island of Borneo, their range also spanning areas of Bornean Indonesia and Malaysia. They are large apes identifiable by their red fur and brown skin, while mature males also have distinct, large cheek pads and throat pouches used for making loud vocalizations to attract females. They are incredibly intelligent animals and have been observed creating and using tools in the wild to acquire food. However, they cannot swim and their range is often limited by rivers that they cannot cross in the wild.


Bonobos (or Pan paniscus) live in the forests and wetlands of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and are most closely related to the common chimpanzee (or Pan troglodytes). Out of any species in nature, these two types of ape have the most DNA in common with humans. Bonobos have pink lips and dark, forward-facing eyes, small ears, a flat nose with wide nostrils, as well as black hair. Male bonobos are larger than females – averaging 73 to 83cm tall and weighing 39kg – whereas a female stands 70 to 76cm tall and weighs 31kg.


The bongo (or Tragelaphus erycerus) is a secretive, forest-dwelling antelope that lives in the woodlands of Central Africa. They have a tan-to-red coloured coat, white vertical stripes on their torso and pale inner legs, large ears, and a yellow chevron under their eyes. Their main distinguishing features are their large, spiraling, vertical horns. While males and females are a similar size – between 1.1 and 1.3m tall at the shoulder, and 2.15 and 3.15m long – the males are much heavier, averaging 310kg compared to a female’s 190kg.

Black Wildebeest

The black wildebeest (or Connochaetes gnou) is a large ungulate species native to Southern Africa, also known as the ‘gnu’ after the distinctive noise they make when alarmed. The species is recognisable by a brown-black coat and L-shaped horns, and males can be distinguished from females due to their darker colour and larger size. Both sexes have thick, bushy manes and a long horse-like tail, measuring between 1.7 and 2.2m long, 1.06 to 1.21m tall at the shoulder, and weighing 120 to 193kg.

Bengal Tiger

The Bengal tiger (or Panthera tigris tigris) is native to India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Western China. It can live in all kinds of environments, including grassland, forests and mangroves, and will hunt large prey such as cloven-hoofed animals like goats, deer and cows (collectively known as ungulates). The Bengal tiger can be identified by its bright orange coat and brown or black stripes, along with a large head, muscular limbs and large teeth.

Baird’s Tapir

Baird’s tapir (or Tapirus bairdii) is an endangered mammal native to the woodlands of Central America. It’s one of five species of tapir – four of which live in Central and/or South America. Males and females are similar sizes,  although females are slightly larger, and both have a dark brown to black coat, as well as a pale chin and chest when fully grown. Calves, meanwhile, are tan with white spots and stripes; their colouration provides them with camouflage in the dappled light of the woodland where they live.

Bactrian Camel

Domestic Bactrian camels (or Camelus bactrianus) are large ungulates native to Central Asia. They have two humps and thick sandy-coloured wool coats, although they can also be dark brown or white. On average they are 2m tall at the shoulder with an extra 30cm of height added by their humps, and males are significantly larger than females.

American Bison

The American plains bison (or Bison bison bison) is a large ungulate native to the USA and Canada. Bison are characterised by their large head, shoulder hump and forequarters, all of which are covered in a shaggy coat. Their hind-quarters are comparatively less muscled with a thinner coat. Both sexes have horns are similar in size, but males are much heavier due to having more muscle.

African Wild Dog

African wild dogs (or Lycaon pictus) are also known as African hunting dogs or painted wolves. They live throughout sub-Saharan Africa – the continent has several different populations and five subspecies in total. The dogs are slim and tall in comparison to other canines, with extremely large rounded ears and distinctive colouration. Generally they have yellow and black mottled fur with white patches on their legs, chest and tail, however this varies on the subspecies. Some may also have a spot-like patterning on parts of their body.