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Zoo Complexity - Console Edition

To ensure smooth performance as your zoos grow, Planet Zoo: Console Edition features a Zoo Complexity Meter.

The Zoo Complexity measures the total sum complexity of all elements in your zoo. This includes animals, habitats, scenery, facilities, paths, and lakes. If your zoo reaches 100% complexity, you will no longer be able to add any new elements and animal breeding will be disabled until your zoo's complexity is reduced.

Education Items

Education items are used to provide education to the guests about specific animals.

Each education source (talks, boards, speakers and guides) can contribute towards the guest education for a single species. For a guest to feel fully educated, they need to receive education on multiple species. Species with higher levels of research contribute a greater amount to this.

Guest Facilities

Guest facilities are buildings designed to fulfil a guest's needs. In many cases they need power to function. If they have scenery associated with them then the guests and any staff that work there will have their happiness improved.

Zoo Entrance

Zoo entrances determine the location at which guests enter and leave the zoo. They also act as a useful starting power source that guests don't mind being near. Selecting a zoo entrance displays its info panel, and this can be used to set ticket prices for adults and children.

Staff Facilities

Staff facilities are the collection of buildings the staff use to perform their duties. All staff facilities must be powered and accessible by path to function. Staff facilities that have scenery placed around and/or built onto them improve the happiness of your staff whilst they are inside.

Guests don't like to be near staff facilities, so staff facilities should be placed away from them. The strength of this dislike varies from facility to facility.

Water Treatment

Water treatment facilities require power and are used to keep water bodies clean. Water treatment is essential for animal welfare as it provides them with clean drinking water and reduces the chance of disease. The cleanliness of water also gives guests better views of animals through clear water.

Guests are not impressed by seeing water treatment facilities and being near them will make them unhappy. A water treatment facility will clean any body of water within its radius, even if partly outside its radius.


Many zoo facilities will not run unless they are powered, therefore maintaining a power supply is essential to maintaining a functioning zoo.

A power source will power anything that touches its radius, even if the object or habitat is only partially within it. Power facilities will deteriorate and lose efficiency over time; transformers are more resilient to deterioration than wind turbines, while solar panels are the least durable.


Paths form the lifeline that connects all of the zoo's facilities together. Without paths, staff and guests cannot navigate around the zoo. Paths can be created by accessing the 'paths' menu.

To build paths:

Terrain Controls

The landscape upon which your zoo is built is completely customisable, with terrain sculpting and painting tools that allow you to modify the zoo to your heart’s content.

Terrain Sculpting

Terrain sculpting allows you to modify the elevation and shape of the landscape within your zoo to craft hills, flatten areas and create scenic vistas to build exhibits and attractions. Some modes will allow you to either start with a flat area to build or an already sculpted area to edit.