Body Slide
A simple water slide with high angle slopes for guests to enjoy.
Body Flume
A curved flume with a variety of bowls and loops, and no need for a mat or raft!
Wide Log Flume
A wider flume where guests ride in hollow boats and are propelled by the flow of the water.
Steam Train Railroad
A steam train railroad for guest transportation around your park.
Steam Boat
A steam powered boat that moves along its own water channel.
Sit Down Powered - 4 Seater
A powered car ride designed to provide a family friendly experience for your guests.
Single-Decker Bus
A single-decker bus that can transport a large quantity of guests around your park.
River Rapids
A classic water ride where riders sit in circular rafts and travel along flowing sections of water.
Powered Rotating Ride
A chain of cars which travel continuously at a steady speed.
Powered Automated Vehicle
Enhance your guests' dark ride experience with a 3D mover cars, which can spin, pitch, and bank to help bring the ride's story to life.