Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to Frontier’s highly successful Jurassic World Evolution, building upon the groundbreaking and immersive 2018 management simulation. It introduces a compelling, new narrative campaign, incredible new features, and awe-inspiring new dinosaurs brought to life with captivating authenticity. Together with expanded construction and more customisation options, the result is an even bigger, better and authentic Jurassic World game.
Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to Frontier’s highly successful Jurassic World Evolution. This bold new era in the Jurassic World Evolution game franchise builds upon the ground-breaking and immersive 2018 management simulation.
Jurassic World Evolution 2 © 2021 Universal City Studios LLC and Amblin Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved. © 2021 Frontier Developments, plc. All rights reserved.
Feathered Species Pack and Update 6 coming 30 March 2023
Welcome, Park Managers, to our latest Species Pack!
Introducing the Jurassic World Evolution 2: Feathered Species Pack, coming March 30 for £5.99/$7.99/€7.99.
Jurassic World Evolution 2 - 1.6.4 Update Notes
Hello Park Managers!
Update 1.6.4 is now available for all platforms of Jurassic World Evolution 2. Please see the changes below:
Jurassic World Evolution 2 - 1.6.3 Update Notes
Hello Park Managers!
Update 1.6.3 is now available for the Steam version of Jurassic World Evolution 2 only. Please see the changes below:
Jurassic World Evolution 2 - 1.6.2 Update Notes
Hello Park Managers!
Update 1.6.2 is now available for all versions of Jurassic World Evolution 2. Please see the changes below:
JWE2 DLC5 Launch
Dominion Malta Expansion and Free Update 5 Out Now!
We're pleased to announce that the Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dominion Malta Expansion is now available, alongside Update 5!
Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dominion Bundle
Purchase the Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dominion Bundle and get Frontier’s critically acclaimed base game along with two expansive DLC packs. Adopt and care for all-new prehistoric species, take on exciting new missions, and build your dream dinosaur park.
Dominion Malta Expansion and Free Update 5 Out Now!
Hello Park Managers!
We're pleased to announce that the Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dominion Malta Expansion is now available, alongside Update 5!
You can also purchase the Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dominion Bundle.
Species Field Guide - Atrociraptor
Welcome to the Species Field Guide, a series focused on bringing you up to date information on a range of the prehistoric animals and dinosaurs in Jurassic World Evolution 2. This week is focused on a new Dinosaur in the Dominion Malta Expansion, the Atrociraptor, the name translates from ‘Savage seizer’ due to a row of serrated teeth to help it be a more effective hunter.