Patch Notes
  • Exciting new features and improvements
    • Language support added for Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Korean.
    • Allow items to be removed from sale in shops.
    • Added a new ride, the Scizzer. 
    • Added Scizzer ride audio and "Friendship Drive Engaged" music track.
    • Global coaster track support improvements that will automatically populate throughout all coasters
      • New support just on vertical drops/rises.
      • Dive coaster has its own new vertical support.
      • New diagonal supports just for specials.
      • Sloping supports stay facing the same way when ascending and descending.
      • No more 'Goal post' supports on track one variant’s.
      • Dog-legging now only occurs 100ft from the ground.
      • New support just for vertical loops on inverted (Rival, Boa, Stingray). 
    • Live Data stats changed from acceleration to actual g-forces (factoring in gravity).
    • Air time scoring has had minor tweaks. Move airtime bonus out from being measured by acceleration and into actual g-forces.
    • Light sequences added to the Kick-Flip and Cube flat rides.
    • Added new Guest Thoughts
      • On-Ride Experience (having fun, nauseous and too intense)
      • Post-ride thoughts (How satisfied guests are by a ride)
      • Missing facilities and shops (including luxury item shops such as Souvenirs / Hats)
      • Ride wear-and-tear
      • Ride breakdowns
      • Transport rides, including if other stations are near anything interesting.
      • If things are too far away and there are no transport rides
  • Bug fixes
    • Shop attractiveness improvements.
      • Various guest brain upgrades to improve:
        • The balance of how attractive gift shops are.
        • How guests react to when there is no gift shop present.
        • Balance improvements on luxury item needs.
    • Ride Queue Improvements
      • Extensive Improvements and tweaks added to the guest queuing behaviour to improve guest judgement of queues and improve assessment of queue lengths
        • Guests are now more willing to join longer ride queues.
        • Various improvements have been made to how guests assess ride queues.
        • Ride info panels now report current, up-to-date thoughts, to improve the relevancy of guest thought feedback on the info panel.
      • Fixed guests not going down steep stairs in queues.
    • Neon signs no longer placed upside down.
    • Coaster trains no longer ignore minimum departure interval.
    • French and German park opening hours are now displayed as a 24 hour clock
    • Added park entrance to the Grassland Biome on Hard Difficulty Challenge mode.
    • Fixed Mechanic animation so no longer intersects with control booth when inspecting The Screaminator ride.
    • Reduced the amount of early reflections on indoor speakers (Thanks to our community!
    • Triggered effects and music are more audible when on ride and more directional to help reduce bleed through walls (may require pointing the speaker at the ride better).
    • Fixed a problem that doubled the volume of music on all flatrides. If you changed the volume on flatrides to compensate, you may need to check and re-adjust. Our apologies for this oversight and the possibility of resulting extra work.
    • Update to Planco, including improvements on rides and in queues which now use proper Planco.
    • Audio mix improvements and additional optimisations and stability fixes