Planet Coaster 2 introduces a number of new mechanics that directly impact the daily running of your park, creating new utilities that you need to manage around your park.

Power Facilities

Rides and Facilities need access to a steady supply of power for them to function. Creating a power network requires management of Generators, Distributors and Power Cables.


Generators (including Solar Generators!) produce the power your park needs to run correctly. Generators can be built at a cost and must be connected to Distributors by using a Power Cable to provide power. If you don’t have enough power for a new ride or facility, simply build another Generator and connect it to a Distributor in range.

Your park entrance can provide some power to help you get started.

Generators will require maintenance from a Mechanic, otherwise they will start to decline in Condition, eventually resulting in a Condition Penalty, producing less power and possibly shutting down entirely.


Distributors power everything nearby using power suppled by your Generators. Distributors have a supply range which you can see when placing or selecting them, powering everything within range.

Power Cables

Power Cables connect your generators and distributors into a network and can be used to create multiple power grids and supplies around your park.

Did You Know?

Coasters with fewer utility pieces have lower power costs.
How-To Connect Power

Rides and some facilities require access to a power supply in order for them to function. To provide your rides and facilities with power:

  1. Build your rides/facilities which require power. Power requirements will be shown when selecting a ride or facility. Unpowered rides/facilities will also be marked with the unpowered icon.
  2. Create a Generator or Solar Panel to produce power.
  3. Create a Distributor in range of the ride/facility. The range of the Distributor can be seen when selecting and placing it, or by viewing the power heatmap. A ride/facility must be within the shown range to be powered.
  4. Connect the Distributor to your Generator or Solar panel using Power Cables.
  5. Ensure the Distributor is receiving enough power for all the rides/facilities within range. The available power can be seen by selecting the Distributor. Power currently in use will also be shown alongside the total available. If you do not have enough power, build or connect more Generators and Solar Panels to your network.
  6. Once your Distributor has sufficient power, any rides/facilities within range will now be powered.

Water Facilities

Pools and Flumes will get dirty over time and need to be maintained if you want your guests to continue enjoying them. Just with power, you’ll need to build a network of water facilities to keep your Pools and Flumes clean.

Water Pumps

Water Pumps provide clean water to your flumes and pools to prevent them from getting dirty.

Water Pumps can be built at a cost and need to be connected to Filters by using a Water Pipe to provide water. If you don’t have enough water for a new ride or facility, simply build another pump and connect it to a filter in range.

Your park entrance can provide some water to help you get started.

Water Pumps must be maintained by an Engineer so that they can produce their maximum water output. If their condition deteriorates enough, they will begin to carry a Condition Penalty and provide less water.

Water Pumps must also be connected to your power network, as they require power to work.

Water Towers and Underground Wells can be researched as an alternative to Water Pumps, providing more clean water, but at a higher cost and power requirement.

Did You Know?

Water rides e.g. log flumes don’t need access to water pumps.

Filters clean everything within range equally by using water from your Water Pumps. Filters have a supply range which you can see when placing or selecting them.

Water Pipes

Water Pipes connect your network of Water Pumps and Filters together and can be used to create a grid of clean water supply around your park.

How-To Connect Water

Flumes and pools need a steady supply of clean filtered water to keep them clean and ready for guest to enjoy. To supply your flumes and pools with water:

  1. Build your flumes/pools which require water filtering. Filtering requirements will be shown when selecting a flume or pool. 
  2. Create a Water Pump or Well to supply water.
  3. Create a Water Filter in range of the flume/pool. The range of the Filter can be seen when selecting and placing it, or by viewing the water heatmap. A flume/pool must be within the shown range to be supplied with filtered water.
  4. Connect the Water Filter to your Water Pump or Well using Water Pipes.
  5. Ensure the Filter is receiving enough water for all the flumes/pools within range. The available water can be seen by selecting the Filter. Water currently in use will also be shown alongside the total available. If you do not have enough water, build or connect more Water Pumps and Wells to your network.
  6. Once your Filter has sufficient water, any flumes/pools within range will now be provided with clean water.