Park Rating is an overall measure of how amazing your park is. A higher Park Rating will increase the number of guests coming to your park.

Great Attractions, Scenery, and Park Reputation are all required for a high Park Rating. Focusing on the lowest scoring of those is the best way to improve your Park Rating.

How-To Increase Park Rating

Increasing your Park Rating is key if you want to encourage more guests to visit your park.

  1. Visit the Park Rating sub-menu of the Park Management menu.
  2. Select the metric which has the lowest performance.
  3. On the right side of your screen, you will now see what you need to do to reach the next star rating for that metric e.g. build 1 new attraction.
  4. Complete the requirement for a new star in your lowest performing metric and your overall Park Rating will improve.
  5. Repeat this process until you have a 5-star park!

Did You Know?

Guest experience feeds into your Park Reputation, which directly affects Park Rating. Good reviews from guests really matter!