Park Rating is an overall measure of how amazing your park is. A higher Park Rating will increase the number of guests coming to your park.
Great Attractions, Scenery, and Park Reputation are all required for a high Park Rating. Focusing on the lowest scoring of those is the best way to improve your Park Rating.
How-To Increase Park Rating
Increasing your Park Rating is key if you want to encourage more guests to visit your park.
- Visit the Park Rating sub-menu of the Park Management menu.
- Select the metric which has the lowest performance.
- On the right side of your screen, you will now see what you need to do to reach the next star rating for that metric e.g. build 1 new attraction.
- Complete the requirement for a new star in your lowest performing metric and your overall Park Rating will improve.
- Repeat this process until you have a 5-star park!
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