Don't forget to immerse your guests in magnificent surroundings!
You can place Scenery from the Scenery Browser to improve the mood of your guests, as well as your park rating.
Additionally, improving the queue scenery of a ride will increase that ride's prestige and draw more guests over to it.
If you want to build your own scenery creations piece by piece, try the Create Custom option in the Browser. Otherwise, choose from the available Scenery Blueprints or head to the Frontier Workshop to find other player’s creations!

Scenery in Planet Coaster 2 is grouped into different themes, with similar styles and appearances. Learn more about Planet Coaster 2’s themes here.
Themes are more than just appearance – guests will have a preference for a particular type of scenery theme that they want to see in your park. Creating a variety of consistently themed areas not only looks great, but also helps to keep guests happy.
How-To Add Custom Billboards & Speakers
Create a totally immersive theme park for your guests with billboards and speakers throughout.
- Select a screen from the Props section of the Scenery browser and place it on another piece of scenery or on a screen mount.
- Screens can show a static image or play a video. Choose from the variety of preset options available under Change Image.
- (PC Only) To upload your own custom videos*, save the file in Frontier Developments/Planet Coaster 2/User Media. This file location will be in the same place as your game is installed. You can then select the User Media section in the Billboard sub-menu to play your custom video on the screen.
- Videos can be looped, time delayed or triggered using an event sequencer. For more information about the Event Sequencer take a look at our Ride Customisation Guide.
- Audio will play from the screen, but you can enhance the experience by adding speakers.
*Acceptable video file type is .webm
- Select speakers from the Props section of the Scenery browser, then place throughout your park.
- In the speaker’s sub-menu, you can select which audio type you want it to play; Music, Ambient or Sound Effect. Choose a track, set its volume & pitch and decide if it will play on a delay.
- (PC Only) To upload your own custom audio**, save the file in Frontier Developments/Planet Coaster 2/User Audio. This file location will be in the same place as your game is installed. Navigate to Change Track, then User Media to add your custom audio to the speakers.
- You can also connect your speakers to any screens you have placed in your theme park. Once your screen and speakers are set up, select Connect Speakers, in the sub-menu.
- Select which speakers you’d like connected to the screen with the Multi Select Tool and confirm selection. You can manage connected speakers in the screen sub-menu.
**Acceptable audio file types are AAC, AIFF, FLAC, M4A, MP3, OGG, WAV, WMA
Create themed displays in small sections of your park or strategically place fireworks throughout your park for a showstopping end to each day!
How-To Create a Fireworks Show
Dazzle and delight your park guests with a fireworks show.
- Place an Event Sequencer.
- Browse the fireworks by selecting Browse Trigger Objects in the sub-menu or navigating to the Special Effects section of the Scenery menu in the browser.
- Place your chosen fireworks. Choose from a variety of effects including roman candles, comets, numbers and letters. You can also edit the colour of each firework in the Customise section of the sub-menu.
- Select your Event Sequencer and press the Edit Trigger Sequence button. Then select + Add Objects.
- Use the Multi-select tool to highlight all the fireworks you want to add to your sequence.
- Once you have selected all your fireworks, choose Edit Selection to open the Event Sequencer and create your show. For more information on creating sequences with the Event Sequencer check out our Ride Customisation Guide.
- All that’s left is to start the show!
Did You Know?
Scenery Rating
Your park’s Scenery Rating is one of four metrics used to calculate your overall Park Rating.
You can find your Scenery Rating in the Park Management menu. Here you’ll see what your Scenery Score is and how many points you need to increase your Scenery Rating to the next star level - learn more about improving your Park Rating in our Park Management guide.
You can check your overall Scenery Rating within the heatmaps too!
Each scenery object has its own score which contributes to your Scenery Rating. Check what the scenery score for an individual item is by selecting the object, then navigating the Advanced Settings in its individual info-panel.
The more complex and expensive the scenery object is, the higher its scenery score tends to be.
How-To Increase Scenery Rating
Increase your park’s Scenery Rating by decorating and theming guest areas with all kinds of scenery objects.
- Select the Scenery button on the browser toolbar.
- Then, either select Blueprints to add a quick bit of decorative flair or choose Create Custom and add individual scenery objects to your park.
- Create wonderful and wacky areas all over your theme park from Viking waterslides to Mythology themed dining space.
- Some objects will decrease your scenery rating, such as generators, water pumps and staff buildings. Hide these from view with decorations, foliage or walls to combat any negative scores!
- Once you’re happy with your decorating decisions, check your Scenery Rating in the Park Management menu. Keep adding objects until you’re happy with your score, or your amazing creations.
Did You Know?
Scenery Groups
Exactly what it says on the tin, Scenery Groups are a selection of scenery that can be moved and edited as one.
Scenery Groups can also be used to create Buildings, with some scenery items automatically snapping together as they’re placed (depending on your Settings menu when placing the scenery).
How-To Make a Scenery Group
To create a Scenery Group:
- Toggle Multi-Select using a shortcut, the radial menu or with the Multi-Select button in the bottom bar.
- Using the New Selection option individually select or draw a selection box around the scenery you want to multi-select.
- Use the Add to Selection and Subtract From Selection options to add or remove any scenery. Make sure you have only selected scenery.
- Once happy with your Multi-Select, select the Confirm Selection button.
- Select the Group Scenery option. The scenery has now been grouped and can be moved/edited as one.
How-To Make a Building
To create a building:
- Select a scenery piece with the “Building” tag.
- Once placed, the scenery will automatically begin a new building group. Continue placing the same piece to expand the building. Where possible, building pieces will also snap together.
- New scenery pieces can be added to a building by toggling the Add to Building option when placing.
- Using this system you can rapidly build a custom building, with different scenery pieces and styles.
Scenery Brush
The Scenery Brush can be used to quickly place a larger number of scenery pieces.
There are brush presets available to help you, but you can also create and save custom brushes using your own scenery.
Did You Know?
The Scenery Brush can be customised to choose:
- The size of the brush
- The intensity of the brush
- Whether scenery will align to the surface
- Whether scenery should avoid paths
- Whether scenery should avoid other existing scenery