Greetings Commanders,
Update 18.04 is now available for Elite Dangerous, bringing with it our newest Elite Dangerous spacecraft, the Python Mk II.
Patch Notes
Features of Note:
- Added the Python Mk II.
- Added pre-built ships:
- Python Mk II Stellar
- Python Mk II Standard
- Exploration Jumpstart Diamondback Explorer
- AX Combat Jumpstart Alliance Chieftain
- Laser Mining Jumpstart Type-6
- Achilles Aerospace completes additional research on Supercruise Overcharge:
- A full selection of SCO Frame Shift Drives, ratings E-A and Sizes 2-7 with varying specialisations are now available at many markets across the galaxy.
- Engineers can now apply the Faster Boot Sequence, Shielded, and Increased Range modifications to SCO Frame Shift Drives.
- All existing Frame Shift Drive experimental effects can now be engineered on SCO Frame Shift Drives.
- The safety limits on SCO Frame Shift Drive jump range have been lifted. Please enjoy the best Frame Shift Drives humanity has ever produced.
- Supercruise Overcharge balance:
- Heat generation has been reduced on most ships (notably making ships with low heat capacities more manageable).
- Heat generation has been fixed on the Dolphin and Diamondback Scout so they no longer run exceptionally cold when using Supercruise Overcharge.
- Adjusted the module prices of the C-class modules in line with the new suite of available SCO Frame Shift Drives.
- Added full black and full white variants of the Titan Destroyed decals - these are automatically available for anyone who has earned an existing variant already.
- Fixed SCO heat generation being tied to frame rate.
- Teammate navlock can no longer be used with SCO to teleport unintentionally long distances (but by pure power of friendship, you can still come to a quick halt without taking damage).
- Fixed a crash when running out of fuel with the SCO active on an Anaconda.
- Fixed instances of a crash whilst engaging Titans in solo instances.
- Fixed the "Supercruise Overcharge Unavailable" statistic not being listed for FSD modules in some UI.
- Fixed non-localised text appearing for ship names in the session logs when selling a stored ship.
- Fixed "Not enough fuel to maintain overcharge - emergency dropping" appearing overly frequently on the info panel.
- Fixed the Python's heat vents not glowing correctly.
- Fixed some ship thrusters sometimes glowing when not in flight.
- Adjusted the Titan Destroyed decals to stop it getting cut off by the geometry on certain ships.
- The Wireframe Gold paintjobs have been adjusted to improve their metallic appearance.
- The icon for the Mamba Gold paintjob has been fixed to more accurately represent the paint job.