Planet Zoo provides a selection of view modes to help with the management of the zoo. They can be accessed by selecting the Analysis View Mode.

For convenience some are also triggered when performing in game actions such as placing power facilities.  

Animal Welfare View

This mode colour codes every animal in the zoo based on its overall welfare value as shown on the Animal Info Panel. Red indicates low welfare while green indicates high welfare.

Habitat View

To function, this mode first requires the selection of a habitat animal. Selecting different animals will change the output.

Traversable Area

By highlighting them in blue, the Traversable Area option indicates the regions an animal can reach based on its locomotion type and its physical size.

Areas that can be climbed are marked in green and locations where an animal can escape are marked with a red icon.

The Traversable Area view is a powerful diagnostic tool for working out why animals cannot reach habitat items and how they may be escaping a habitat.


Shelter view highlights the areas of the habitat that are providing the animal with hard shelter.

Temperature View

Planet Zoo - Temperature View

The Temperature view displays a temperature gradient across the zoo, highlighting areas that are hot and cold. Powered heaters and coolers and their area of effect will be highlighted in this mode (providing they are set to a temperature that is different to the ambient temperature).

Water View

Planet Zoo - Water View

The Water view mode highlights the cleanliness of the zoo's water bodies and highlights the location and functional ranges of all water treatment facilities. Treatment facilities that are unpowered or broken will also be highlighted.

Water Temperature Regulator View

The Water Temperature Regulator view mode highlights the temperature of the zoo's water bodies as well as the location and functional ranges of all Water Temperature Regulator facilities. The facilities will highlight at the colour of the target temperature, while facilities that are unpowered or broken will display an icon.

If two or more facilities are affecting the same water body with different target temperatures, that water body will display an icon.

Power View

Planet Zoo - Power View

The Power view mode displays all of the power sources in the zoo in yellow and shows their effective area in blue. Unpowered facilities are marked in red and power centres that have failed are marked black.

Building Status View

The Building Status view mode highlights buildings that are functional in blue and those that are not in red. Nonfunctioning buildings may be in that state because they are unpowered, have broken down or, in the case of shops, are currently without a vendor.

There are three filters for this view:

Negative Impact View

The Negative Impact view mode highlights the areas of the zoo that guests do not want to be near, specifically zoo utilities and staff facilities.

The size of the Negative Impact radius can be reduced by increasing the Scenery Rating of the staff facility.

The negative radius can be reduced up to a maximum of 50% when a facility's scenery rating is at 100%.

Security and Crime View

The Security and Crime view mode shows the locations of cameras, guards, warning signs, and guest vandalism around the zoo.

Areas of the zoo without security coverage are at risk of vandalism by unhappy guests, and vandalised objects make nearby guests unhappy.

The Security and Crime view will also highlight any food thrown into habitats by the guests, which can pose a threat to the health of any animals within.

Education View

The Education view highlights the locations of a zoo's education facilities.

Boards and speakers marked in blue are both well positioned and powered. Those marked black are unpowered, those marked orange are powered but either do not have an education topic assigned, or the topic assigned is inappropriate, due to being positioned too far away from the associated animal’s habitat.

In the case of education speakers, the audible range of the speaker is shown, indicating where the guests can be educated. Blue indicates that the speaker is working correctly, red indicates that the speaker is incorrectly setup. If the area is highlighted pink the speaker radius is overlapping and guests in this region will not receive the education boost. Overlaps can be avoided by adjusting the speaker’s volume or repositioning it.

Guests Needs View

The Guest Needs view has six nested options:

  • Happiness
  • Energy
  • Hunger
  • Thirst
  • Toilet
  • Education

Each view highlights the guest as either green, orange or red, in accordance with the need that has been selected.

This view can be particularly useful in looking for problematic trends that might be adversely affecting the guests.

Staff Happiness View

The Staff Happiness view mode shows the happiness levels of all Staff in the zoo. Unhappy staff may be underpaid or overworked, and will work more slowly and consider quitting their job.
