Education items are used to provide education to the guests about specific animals.

Each education source (talks, boards, speakers and guides) can contribute towards the guest education for a single species. For a guest to feel fully educated, they need to receive education on multiple species. Species with higher levels of research contribute a greater amount to this.

Education Signs

Guests will use a sign by stopping at it and examining its contents. If the content relates to an animal in proximity, the guest's education level is boosted. If the animal is far away the boost is reduced.

The amount of education boost the guest receives relates to the research level of the sign's animal (more highly researched animals give a greater boost). This is represented on the sign with the most visually complete signs representing the highest level of education.

Education signs must be powered and placed on paths to work.

Education Speakers

Guests will use a speaker automatically by walking through its area of effect. If the contents relates to an animal in proximity, the guest's education level is boosted. If the animal is far away the boost is reduced, and if the speaker is placed too far away from the target habitat it can negatively affect the guests happiness.

The guest must spend a period of time in the presence of the speaker otherwise the education boost will not reach its full potential. Speakers for different animals that overlap will cause the confused guests to become unhappy and they will not receive their education boost.

Education speakers must be powered to work.

Conservation Signs

Conservation signs are used to provide education to the guests about specific conservation topics. Guests will use a sign by stopping at it and reading its contents, the location of the sign is not important to its function and the sign cannot be improved through research. Guests that read the sign will have their education level boosted.

Conservation signs must be powered and placed on paths to work.

Education Stations

Education stations can be placed along paths to boost general guest education. Guest groups with children will stop by education stations and will wait for the children to interact with the station.

Interacting with an education station will provide a small boost to happiness and education for the entire group. Education stations must be powered to be usable by guests.

Audio Guides

Audio Guides can be purchased from Information Centres. When a guest has an Audio Guide they will learn about animals as they walk around the zoo, soaking up information when they are near habitats and exhibits.


Billboards are customisable media devices that allow you to choose the imagery that is displayed. To customise the image that's shown to your guests, select the billboard and choose an image from the menu in the billboard's info panel.

Habitat Webcams

Habitat Webcams can be placed in and around habitats to provide your zoo with a minor marketing boost. The marketing boost is applied to the closest habitat in range and is only applied once per habitat. Overall, 30% of a zoo's marketing reputation can come from habitat webcams. You can view the webcam’s broadcast by using 'Enter Camera View' from the webcam’s Info Panel.

Animal Talks

Animal talks require an Educator staff member to function. They provide large boosts to education for the guests about specific animals. Animal talks must be placed on normal paths to work and should be next to an animal habitat or exhibit. They will only take place in the scheduled month, to give guests and staff advance notice of when talks take place.

Animal talks can support up to 50 guests attending a talk. This capacity can be expanded by placing and linking Animal Talk Seating. Guests will prioritise seating when attending a talk.
