Once you select your chosen game mode, you’ll be presented with a few settings, including the difficulty.

Planet Zoo features three difficulty settings allowing you to control the challenge and alter how difficult the game is, choosing between easy, medium or hard.

These difficulty settings are available in all game modes and the difficulty is set before a new scenario or zoo is started. Don’t worry though, if you’re finding it too much of a challenge, the difficulty can also be changed mid-game through the settings menu.

Each difficulty setting modifies the challenge you’ll face in a few different ways, with Easy providing a more laid back experience and Hard giving a more realistic representation of the animals and how they need to be cared for.

Easy Difficulty

  • Animal welfare is more easily maintained.
  • It takes longer for animals to get stressed.
  • Animals take longer to die when their needs are critical.
  • Animals never get bored of enrichment items.
  • Guests learn more from education sources.
  • Guest happiness drops at a slower rate.
  • Guests won't request refunds.
  • Guests are more willing to spend cash.
  • 5* Guest Happiness Rating requires an average happiness of 80%.
  • Staff take longer to get tired.
  • Staff can move faster.
  • Staff get a larger happiness boost from training.

Medium Difficulty

  • Animals never get bored of enrichment items.
  • Guests won't request refunds.
  • 5* Guest Happiness Rating requires an average happiness of 85%.

Hard Difficulty

  • Animal welfare is harder to maintain.
  • Animals get stressed faster.
  • Animals will die quicker when an issue is critical.
  • Animals get bored of enrichment items.
  • Guests learn less from education sources.
  • Guest happiness drops at a faster rate.
  • Guests request refunds.