Greetings Commanders,

Tomorrow sees the release of Update 15.01 for Elite Dangerous Live/4.0, where the team have addressed a number of issues for you, following the release of Update 15 last week.

The update will be available following routine server maintenance tomorrow, May 18.

Routine server maintenance downtime for Elite Dangerous Live/4.0 will be EXTENDED in order to accommodate 15.01 until approximately 11:00am BST, when the servers will be back online with the update deployed and available.

Issues Of Note Addressed:

  • A fix has been implemented so that the Caustic Sink Launcher can now be engineered.
  • Scouts are no longer acting with excessively increased firepower.
  • Propulsion Elements have been added to caustic generator loot.
  • Selecting a group of fleet carriers in the System Map now shows the Fleet Carriers tab of the Points Of Interest panel.
  • A fix has been implemented to address inconsistent turret fire from the Titan.
  • Scenarios have been rebalanced in order to improve chances of which the Orthrus or Thargoid Probes can be found.
  • A fix has been implemented for a crash that could trigger when disembarking at Unknown Surface Sites.
  • A fix has been implemented to address excessive heat being generated, when Commanders are hit by the Maelstrom Pushback Wave.
  • A fix has been implemented to address instances where Ship Launched Fighters would take excessive damage from Glaive missiles.
  • A fix has been implemented to address instances where Ship Launched Fighters would become targeted for Containment Missiles, by the Glaive.
  • Thargoids are no longer able to get themselves potentially stuck when investigating canisters (Always recycle. Keep our oceans and Galaxy clean, Commanders o7).
  • A fix has been implemented to address a large invisible wall in the large ship landing pad at The Beach Engineer base.

Notable Changes To Systems in 'Invasion State'

A successfully prevented Invasion will now be better reflected within the game world.

Upon the Invasion's defeat, a notification will be sent to all present Commanders, Thargoids will stop appearing at conflict zones and most conflict zones will subsequently dissipate.

Interdictions will cease and signal sources caused by Thargoid attacks will come to a stop.

The HUD has also received some minor changes for when Commanders are present in a defeated Invasion system and on the pre-jump warning towards that system.

For Awareness

Commanders, you may experience an issue whereby after gaining a bounty on your ship (with a warrant being issued on the ship), if you then hand yourself in at an on-foot concourse terminal, a Scarlet Krait connection error will occur on respawn at a Detention Facility.

  • If you re-enter the game after the Scarlet Krait connection error, you will be able to resume gameplay without further connection errors or blockers. However, the ship with the warrant on it will be impounded, which in turn warrants a release fee payment to free it.


If you gain a bounty on your ship (with a warrant being issued on the ship) and then hand yourself in via Local Services whilst remaining in ship (instead of at an on-foot terminal), this issue does not occur, and you will respawn at the Detention Facility, in ship.

As always, Commanders, thank you for your continued commitment and dedication to the Galaxy.

We remain ever grateful for your efforts in discovery o7 
