Opening Transmission...

To all crew, we hope you're having a wonderful week so far.

Since the memorable launch of 'Deliver Us Mars' this month, we remain ever grateful for your warm thoughts and feedback, as many of you embark and continue onward with your epic mission to the Red Planet with us.

Many of you have even completed your mission and to those of you who have celebrated your eventful discoveries with us, we value you so much! Thank you!

Update incoming...

Whilst we appreciate reports of success in your journey so far, we also value your feedback in relation to any issues you may have experienced along the way so far.

This supports our development team at 'Mission Control' to further refine elements of 'Deliver Us Mars' which may require some additional support, in the form of an update, coming soon.

We'd like to reassure you that issues in relation to performance drops, primarily for our console players, are heard loud and clear and the team are working hard behind the scenes to carry out investigations into these issues, as well as noting additional concerns raised outside of performance types.

We'll remain monitoring your feedback and will be sure to communicate as soon as possible with you on further progress, in regards to known issues.


[Image Credit: @Nick_Baker777 | Twitter]

Our thanks again...

As previously mentioned, we are grateful for those of you who are continuing to share your experiences with us in 'Deliver Us Mars' and love to join in with your celebrations and discussions across our social channels.

Do continue to share your favourite screenshots and memories by using #DeliverUsMars on Twitter, for example.

We'll be in touch.


Closing transmission...

