Patch Notes

Update Notes | Elite Dangerous Live

Changes of Note:

  • New content and gameplay for the ongoing Thargoid narrative. Good luck, Commanders!
    • We’re being a little bit deliberate with vagueness on this one, Commanders. We’d love you to discover more on this gameplay yourselves on release of the update.
  • Increases have been made to the base payout for scanning organics.
  • Increases have been made to the multiplier for first-time organic scans from 2 to 5.
  • Commanders playing 'Live' have a new option in the Options menu to 'reset to orbit', in order to release themselves from unintended tricky situations.
    • Commanders playing 'Legacy' will still be able to launch 'Base Game Elite Dangerous (without Horizons)' to 'reset to orbit'

Community Issues of Note Addressed:

  • Fixed severe shadow flickering after Update 12.
  • Numerous performance improvements have been made to alleviate sudden performance drops when nearing a settlement.
  • Fixed atmosphere composition rendering which was causing discolouration with AMD RX 6000 series graphics card drivers.
  • Fixed a livery error when equipping a flight suit outfit piece over a non-flight suit.
  • Fixed 1D shield cell banks having damage falloff instead of max ammo.
  • Fixed an invisible wall at Prospector's Rest blocking access to Selene Jean - How confused must she have been?
  • Fixed collapsed doors at Thargoid Imprints not blocking passage for players when on-foot.
  • Fixed the Testament megaship being impossible to reach.
  • Fixed galaxy map system connector lines not staying toggled off.
  • Fixed "Cactoida Pullulanta - Green" being labelled "Cactoida Vermis - Green".
  • Fixed the Scarab not being able to fit under the Diamondback Scout.
  • Fixed being unable to hide routes in the Live (4.0) galaxy map as you were able to in Legacy (3.8).
  • Fixed Thargoids detecting Meta Alloys in your hold causing the game to often then crash.
  • Fixed the galaxy map mission tab taking you to the wrong system for item recovery missions.
  • Fixed filter settings in the galaxy map being cleared after closing the map.


  • AX Missile Racks have had their damage increased.
  • AX Weapons have had their description updated.


  • Stopped Thargoid ships unexpectedly jumping out of conflict zones.
  • Stopped Thargoid ships sometimes getting stuck in their dying state.
  • Stopped humanoid AI sometimes getting stuck in their death animations - Nightmare fuel scenario…


  • Fixed electrical sounds from triggering excessively and stacking - Bzzzt.
  • Reduced the default volume of Horizons music to match their volume Pre-Odyssey.
  • Fixed Air Traffic Controller VO lines occasionally restarting from the beginning when opening and closing the in-game menu.
  • Fixed skimmer audio not playing.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur where a large number of skimmers were audible at settlements.
  • Fixed UI sounds not reflecting how well the player is doing during an interdiction.
  • Adjusted the volume and positioning of the capital ship arrival sounds to make it easier to determine where they are.
  • Fixed impact on Commander ships being inaudible when walking on a planet surface.
  • Fixed asteroid reverb effects being overly loud.
  • Fixed comms UI notification sounds being audible when viewing the in-game menu.
  • Fixed conflict zone VO not obeying game audio mute options.
  • Fixed the tutorial VO not obeying game audio mute options - Shhh…
  • Fixed ship creaks not playing when a Commander's ship is out of control but not rotating.
  • Increased the distance at which Thargoid Scout vessel arrival sounds can be heard, to make them easier to notice.
  • Fixed freezing sound not triggering when ship canopy freezes over, during a Thargoid Interceptor shutdown.
  • Fixed the 'suit fully charged' voice line being controlled by "Recharging" rather than "Recharge Complete" in options.
  • Fixed combat end music playing multiple times after combat with Thargoid vessels ends - Mind you, this was pretty good affirmation that you did a really good job though, right?
  • Fixed internal Station Announcer VO going missing when visiting multiple different stations during the same session - Probably on a tea break. Don’t work too hard, Station Announcer person!
  • Fixed combat music from stopping when disembarking from an SRV.
  • Fixed combat music from starting and stopping if the player's ship was under attack by NPCs.


  • Players now remain on foot after handing themselves in and being transported to a detention facility.
  • Fixed an occasional Scarlet Krait error when engaged in hyperspace on board a teammate's ship.
  • Fixed a rare crash to desktop when selecting certain systems in the galaxy map.
  • Fixed an issue preventing fleet carrier owners from meeting other players at their carrier, and a Silver Fer-de-Lance error when attempting to join a team.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to sometimes appear to friends as in solo, regardless of their selected game mode.


  • Exploding ships will no longer lose their paint jobs for a few frames - Got to look good, even in pieces.
  • Fixed an issue where certain combat spoken lines would not have appropriate lipsync.
  • Fixed atmosphere composition rendering which was causing discolouration with AMD RX 6000 series graphics card drivers.

Performance & Optimisation:

  • Boosted performance in AX conflict zones.
  • Updated a number of decals and logos used on stations to use deferred shaders to improve performance.
  • Fixed unnecessary delay swapping into a newly purchased ship, which in turn holds improvements to general performance.

Gameplay & Missions:

  • Commander fleet carriers will no longer turn hostile toward them as a result of certain missions.
  • Stopped previous hostility to player occasionally persisting after they respawn at a detention centre.
  • Multicrew SRV pilots will no longer find themselves in a situation where they loot cargo, then result in that cargo being deleted.
  • In-Person multicrew now shares out bounties and combat bonds correctly.
  • Updated mission tip-off message coordinates to match Odyssey's planetary terrain.
  • Adjusted Salvage mission to no longer point the Commander at the mission's destination until the necessary cargo has been obtained.
  • Damaged megaships with functional escape hatches will now deploy escape pods automatically when rescue ships are nearby, rather than asking the player to use a hatch-breaker limpet.


  • Fixed Odyssey engineer invitation inbox messages not using the player's selected language.


  • Fixed occasional disconnection issue stemming from leaving in-person multicrew.
  • Fixed issue with players handing themselves in, resulting in a subsequent disconnection.
  • Fixed a softlock in the crew lounge if players were to attempt to hire the same recruit twice.
  • Prevented cases of the camera suite clipping through terrain - Nothing to see here.


  • Updated an imprint tunnel piece where it was possible to walk through a section of rubble and see out of world.
  • Fixed an offset texture on the cargo container schematic.
  • Fixed a piece of terrain protruding through the back wall of hangar 7 at Colonel Bris Dekker's base.
  • Fixed some misaligned geometry at Prospector's Rest.
  • Adjusted the Asp Explorer ship kit due prevent it from receiving incorrect colours when equipped.
  • Adjusted a piece of the Krait Mk II ship kit to prevent a z-fighting/texture flickering problem.
  • Fixed UV mapping on the Federation Corvette rear hardpoint supports so that paint jobs display correctly.
  • Fixed a number of floating assets at military settlements.
  • Rebuilt a small part of the megaship concourse to prevent a z-fighting/texture flickering issue under the stairs leading out of the bar.
  • Fixed the computer screens on some items seen in agricultural settlements so that they are consistent with other computer screens.
  • Fixed the UVs on the Orca winglets (Love this term) as some paint jobs were being flipped when viewed at a distance.
  • Adjusted the collision boundary inside the thargoid sites so that the camera suite can no longer clip inside it.
  • Balancing passes have been made on the forcefield material used in radial planet ports.
  • Fixed the UVs on some Orca ship kit pieces to ensure that they receive the correct colour from any applied paint job.
  • Fixed some UVs on the underside of the Orca to improve paint jobs.
  • Fixed the Camera Suite from being able to pass into/out of the Fleet Carrier social space at certain points.
  • Tweaked some settings for the DiamondBack Scout landing gear, which should give more clearance to the SRV when landed on uneven terrain.
  • Made the Chieftain Pulse Red paint job a little more red.
  • Fixed UVs on the Cobra Mk III ship kit so that paint jobs apply correctly.
  • Fixed UVs on the LODs of the Viper so that paint jobs apply better.
  • Fixed some issues with UVs causing issues with some paint jobs on the Anaconda ship kits.
  • Fixed an aggressive LOD pop on the Empire capital ship's drives.
  • Minor optimisations to the small trucks seen inside starports.
  • Adjusted the decals for the Python so that they fit more snugly onto the hull of the ship.
  • Fixed some benches letting you sit on top of another NPC instead of in the empty seat next to them - Ahhh so it wasn’t a feature!
  • NPCs can no longer be found sleeping on a backless bench near Inter-Astra in some concourses - Honestly, let them rest at this point…
  • Adjusted ship outfitting cameras for the Mamba so they are no longer being blocked in some hangar types.
  • Fixed stretched textures inside of the landing gear well on the DiamondBack Explorer.
  • Fixed the missing fighter bay door on the wrecked Beluga model.
  • Removed a duplicated NPC in a planet port social space.
  • Fixed some occlusion mesh poking through walls of a large underground hangar resulting in large dark visual artefacts.
  • Fixed an issue where a collision problem on the Anaconda which could cause a crash in multiplayer scenarios.


  • Added an optional keybind for the Shutdown Field Neutraliser module.
  • Added a paragraph font display to the naming popup for loadouts, this allows Commanders to see how their loadout name will look with upper and lower case letters before saving it.
  • Missions will now be clearly marked in the galaxy map as failed, where appropriate.
  • Updated the transfer panel to ensure Commanders cannot target something that isn't on-screen.
  • Marker 'legend/key' for selected objects has been added to the right-hand panel to better inform what the markers showcase.
  • It is no longer possible to toggle off a route setting mode in the panel.
  • Connector lines can now be hidden in the display options menu and the game will remember this setting when the galaxy map is reopened.
  • The cargo canister info panel no longer repeats information.
  • Removed hardpoint target sights when using the Camera Suite.
  • Fixed decimal separator in suit and weapon mods selection screen.
  • Players swapping between ships, SRVs and on-foot whilst in a wing will no longer indicate to teammates that their ship or SRV has been destroyed.
  • Fixed module storage notifications from truncating long module names.
  • Fixed bookmark menu text for unexplored planets.
  • A targeted ship's displayed faction is now consistent between the HUD target info and the contacts panel.
  • HUD notifications for megaship departures now display the correct time units.
  • The flight tutorial now shows the correct text for pitch, roll, and yaw inputs.
  • Fixed a missing text string in the inbox message that is sent when failing to deliver cargo for delivery missions.
  • Fixed missing text for an inbox message during Megaship Infiltration missions.


  • Improved hangar lighting.
  • Balancing pass carried out in terms of VFX for all ship cockpits, to improve visual behaviour.
  • Rebalanced Interceptor weapon brightness.
  • Fixed an issue with skimmer particle effects appearing incorrectly.
  • Improvements made to all lightning in Lagrange clouds.
  • Improved the visual quality of the Thargoid arrival.


  • Removed excessive messages from appearing when backing out of the terminal - I get that we’re rooting for new players but give them space.
  • Fixed an issue where the tutorial ammo crate may sometimes not appear.


  • Joy Senne Audio Logs titles don't overlap anymore.
  • Improved translations shown when exiting the ship in German.
  • Fixed various spelling errors.

Key known Issues:

  • Spanish translation of "Thargoid Controlled" mistranslated to "Thargoids under control".
  • Some missions may offer fewer credits than must be spent to buy the requested commodities.

Update Notes | Elite Dangerous Legacy:

  • Necessary structural changes to ensure the separation of versions was possible.

As always, Commanders, a big o7 from all of us on this side of the Galaxy.

Have a great Update 14 day.

See you in the black.
