Greetings Commanders.

In our Access to 4.0 post from August, we mentioned that future content would only be available to players on the 4.0 framework and from September we have offered access to version 4.0 to all PC users without requiring a purchase of Odyssey.

On 29 November, Update 14 will bring fundamental and exciting changes to the galaxy, built upon the 4.0 framework. Additionally, from Update 14 onwards, there will be two different modes to Elite Dangerous: Live mode and Legacy Mode.

Live Mode 

As of Update 14, version 4.0 will become the “Live” mode in which all new content and events will be introduced. Focusing development on a single version branch has already been essential to delivering content of the same calibre as the Azimuth Saga finale.  

Aftermath will see its next major release with galaxy-wide implications in Update 14, with more to come in Updates 15 and 16. What we can say for now about Updates 15 and 16 is that they will both contain new content and gameplay mechanics linked to the unfolding events in the galaxy. More on this will be revealed next year.  

Legacy Mode 

While “Live” will continue the unfolding events of Aftermath, we understand that some of our players have fond memories of the galaxy as it stands in 3.8 and as such we will convert version 3.8 into “Legacy Mode”. 
Every player will have a Legacy Commander profile created from their existing profile with separately tracked progress when Update 14 is released. Legacy mode will be accessible from the launcher as a separate download from the Live game.
Whilst there will be no new narrative content such as GalNet or Community Goals, you will still be able to affect the galaxy via the background simulation. Actions in Legacy Mode will not affect the Live game.
All cosmetics purchased prior to Update 14 will be available across both Legacy and Live versions. Moving forwards, some cosmetics may be exclusive to Live mode. These will be clearly marked as such in the store.

Playing Together on LIVE

We understand that since we granted 4.0 access to all PC players, some Commanders have been using version 3.8 to play with friends who do not yet own Odyssey. With Update 14, Odyssey players will have the option to select either Horizons or Odyssey mode within Live Mode so that playing together remains possible.

Console Profile Copying Process 

Via our website, console players have the option to clone their Commander profiles for use on PC without needing to re-purchase the game. The introduction of Legacy Mode is going to affect what data can be copied. For this reason, the process will be temporarily suspended with the release of Update 14. To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to use the process, it will be reintroduced in Q1 next year.    

The version of the process that we reintroduce will not be as comprehensive as before and will only copy the most essential profile data related to player progression. For this reason, we strongly encourage anyone considering copying their profile to do so before Update 14. 

We hope this announcement has clearly explained our plans for both the Live and Legacy versions of Elite Dangerous.

We are excited not just for content in Update 14 but also for what we have planned in 2023.

As always, we’d love to hear your questions, comments and feedback.  


