Greetings Commanders,

We’re glad to confirm that the console profile copying process to PC is now available for all console players!

Anyone who would like to copy their profile over can check out the following links:

We would like to remind anyone interested in copying their profile that the following elements will not be copied over: 

  • ARX Balance. Please ensure that you purchase desired customisations before you complete the transfer. Any unspent Arx will remain on your original console profile
  • Fleet Carriers and their contents. Please decommission these ahead of going through the process so that your resulting Credit balance will be included.
  • Your Commander name if it is already in use by another PC player. You will be given the chance to choose a new name as part of the process.
  • Squadron membership.
  • Friends lists, Block lists and Private Groups.
  • Current mission progress.

The portal will remain open indefinitely, in order for as many Commanders to take advantage of the copy process as possible. Should the portal have a close date, we will of course inform players with enough time to react ahead of that happening.

Thanks as always for your patience and support toward this next step.

Please encourage any friends you know who play on console to consider copying their profile to PC!

This option comes at no additional cost, includes a PC copy of Elite Dangerous, and your original console profile will remain available for play.

If you have any issues or need support during the process please contact our Support Team.

Fly Safe o7
