Greetings Commanders.

It's the first of the month and what a month we're set up to explore!

This edition of Discovery Scanner will highlight some in game progress reporting regarding Update 13, more community events and some Commander spotlights.

Without further introduction, let's get on with that ‘Galactical Housekeeping’!

Game News

Update 13 Release incoming.

  • As announced in last week’s Frameshift Live #13, Update 13 is scheduled to be released next week. Keep an eye on our official channels and Forum for information on the exact date, time and update deployment schedule.
  • Known issues concerning general stability in game around POIs/ground settlements and crashes preventing Commanders from currently enjoying CQC are making good progress within the team for resolve as part of Update 13.


  • Thank you to everyone for their patience around the ‘Scarlet Krait’ connection issues that hit last Friday. We'll continue to monitor stability and again, we're grateful for the constructive feedback and thought on social and in the Elite Dangerous Forum.
  • It’s been a popular thread of information the last couple of weeks, however if you missed it over in the Forum, the original post for explaining Capital Ships and their ability to inherit Combat Bonds from Thargoid support kills can be found here.


Community Goals.

Full force efforts continue with Community Goals from the last week, continuing onward.

FIGHT THE THARGOIDS IN HIP 22460 | 2 Days Remaining.

  • As the Thargoid presence increases in the HIP 22460 system, Azimuth Biotech and the superpowers call for reinforcements.


  • Azimuth Biotech has called for commodities to be delivered to the Glorious Prospect in the Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system.

For full details as the final hours and days tick down, head to


Community Events.

Spotlight: Wings of Life IV: Stream For The Stars
Dates: 04 Aug 2022 > 07 Aug 2022
Start Time: 23:00 GMT
End Time: 23:59 GMT
Summary: PC community CMDRs stream relay to raise money for Starlight Children's Foundation.

Lead by Commander Super Chicken, this is a 73+ hour stream relay to benefit Starlight Children's Foundation and all the delivering of happiness to seriously ill children and their families at more than 800 children’s hospitals and health care facilities.

Starting at 23:00 GMT in stream @
There will be giveaways, shenanigans and I heard some Elite Dangerous revenge will be happening.

You can read more full information about the upcoming events ahead this week over on the Community Calendar at
Don’t forget - if you have any special events you’d like to submit to the Community Calendar you can do so on the events page too.



The Fatherhood: Lost Souls Expedition 3

Last weekend saw the final meetup ahead of travelling back to The Bubble for all taking part in Lost Souls Expedition 3.Expedition progress is now at 72.8% and nearing completion after kicking off on April the 1st this year.

To quote Commander Randalph Roddleton, “With 373 CMDRs and 33 FCs registered, Lost Souls 3 sits in the top 15 expeditions of all time”.

To read more on this incredible journey, head over to the official Fatherhood Wing site over at where you’ll find documented journals from each waypoint, the official trip planner, fleet roster and more.

It’s been a pleasure to follow along.

The Fatherhood Squadron now sits at 5000+ members. We’re really proud to have them a part of our Elite Dangerous Galaxy.



[Above Image Credit: Commander Drazkul, enjoying the final meetup of Lost Souls 3].



Commander Exorcist: Out There Season 04, Episode 21 is live.

A familiar presence in the Elite Dangerous Galaxy, for sure. We’re once again blown away by this latest episode of Commander Exorcist’s continued journey, documented as part of their ‘Out There’ YouTube series.

Episode 21 is no exception to the beauty they capture as the series continues. You can enjoy it here.



Hutton Orbital Radio presents '2HOT2MESSY' THIS WEEK | August 4th!

The Hutton Orbital Truckers are finding themselves, yet again, in a 'Hot Mess' following a huge celebration of efforts in their previous endeavors, whereby there was one mission set to rule all missions - Deliver one Hutton Mug to every single station.

The original MESS took 90 days to deliver mugs to 50,000 stations. Now there are over 130,000 commodity markets. The Galaxy's biggest Trucking effort needs YOU and your squadrons. Can this feat be achieved in time for Christmas?

For your efforts, Hutton Orbital Radio will be giving away one official, literal Hutton Mug a week from August the 4th until this mission is complete.
For all information on how to get involved, head to this post on the official Elite Dangerous Forums.


Once again, Commanders, thank you so much for sharing such wonderful memories with us over the past week and we're really looking forward to the week ahead with you all.

Fly safe.

See you in the black o7
