Greetings Commanders.

Another new week arrives in the Elite Dangerous Galaxy for us all. Here’s hoping it brings as many exciting, continued adventures for you all.
Let’s delve into a little ‘Galactical Housekeeping’, shall we?



We remain on target for this August to welcome in the release of Update 13. 

  • I’m afraid we can’t be any more specific with you on an exact date but as soon as we have more information to share, we will let you know.
  • We also have no further information around Console Profile Transfers, other than what has already been announced to you but again, as soon as we have more we’ll be sharing it out.

We hear you loud and clear on the known issues front, with remaining stability issues and issues around accessing ship functions from within Stations (there are more to note, as listed in previous posts and the last Discovery Scanner rundown) being some of the major ones.
The teams remain working as hard as ever to investigate open and reported issues and as soon as we have updates on progress, we’ll be right there in the Forum to report in.

Thank you as always for your constructive feedback and reports.



Frameshift Live 11

I know this was last week’s news but its worth a mention following the reception - If you missed the guys last week, Frameshift Live #11 aired last Thursday and featured out first ‘Live in the studio’ special guest in ages – Senior Designer Derin Halil.

It was great to finally have a developer face to face with Arthur and Bruce again and we really have appreciated the positive feedback around the discussions had.
We can’t wait to bring you more of these, for sure.

You can re-watch or catch up on the show here, over on Twitch.
As a reminder, there will be no Frameshift Life this week and actually, there will be no Frameshift Live at the expected time next week BECAUSE as Bruce mentioned on stream, our next show will be coming live from Lavecon on July 16th!

Lots of excitement around that one, let it be known…




There are currently no major Community events penned in this week for the Community Calendar but we can see one bubbling on the horizon for this time next week on July 10th at 7:00pm UTC, titled ‘AT THE ELDRITCH GATE EXPEDITION - MASS LAUNCH EVENT’.
ELIGIBILITY: Anybody is welcome to come as long as they have more than 40 ly in their exploration ships. Squadrons and groups of people are encouraged to join and register their representation. Any independent explorer is also welcome to join the bulk force with the Independent Explorers Association.

Full information to support this event can be found direct on the Calendar Page here.
Don’t forget - if you have any special events you’d like to submit to the Community Calendar you can do so here.




CMDR Crunch Buttsteak re-shared an absolutely stunning edit titled [Elite Dangerous] Travelling Somewhere - Horizons Send-off. It’s been available for a little while now but it was honestly so incredible to see it passed around on social channels over the weekend. Well worth the re-share for anyone who may have missed it.



CMDR NICKWEB85 aka StuffByNick has stepped back into the creative spotlight with an absolutely breath taking video titled Elite: Expanse - A Homage to Elite: Dangerous & The Expanse.
“A homage to The Expanse's awesome intro sequence created with Elite: Dangerous footage and screenshots.”
You can view the creation here on YouTube
The edit takes inspiration from the ever talented CMDR Vexigon Matraxis aka CMDR Vex who, back in 2019, released a recreation of Clinton Shorter's theme music from the TV series "Expanse" titled ‘EPIC HYBRID - Dangerous: Expanse (Expanse Theme Cover)’. 
Lots of emotion here. We love how inspiring you all are with the way you craft your awesome memories in game.


Little SRV

CMDR DasJav has won many hearts over with the tales of ‘The Little SRV’ over on Twitter for a little while now but after all of these beautiful video captures, edits and – I’m looking at you, Stellar Screenshots’ – this latest instalment really hit the spot.



As always Commanders, thank you so much for sharing such wonderful memories that you’re making and adventures you’re taking with us as the days and weeks roll by. 
You’re amazing at what you do.


Fly safe o7

Community Update