Greetings Commanders.

Elite Dangerous Odyssey will today receive a small Hotfix to deploy, in order to address a number of outstanding issues. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey servers will not require extended server downtime but will be offline momentarily from 16:45 BST. The hotfix will be available imminently thereafter.

Patch Notes


  • A fix has been implemented to address landing issues for Anaconda Pilots. 
  • A fix has been implemented to address frequent stuttering encountered during gameplay, often seen when descending towards a planet surface.
  • A fix has been implemented to address missing facial hair on Commander portraits.
  • A fix has been implemented to address the Shipyard UI softlocking if "Disable GUI Effects" was set to On.
    • This fix benefits both regular and VR Commanders.
  • Commanders are now correctly able use X/Square input when using a controller when navigating on foot. 
    • This issue was caused by multiple inputs being allocated to the same control scheme, which would then incorrectly mask one another.
  • General crash and stability fixes have been implemented.


Known Issues:

The current high priority known issues are listed below but as usual, please remember that these are not the only outstanding issues sitting team side that mean a lot to us.

These are strictly reports which are causing some significant mischief at present still, which we'd just like to offer formal reassurance on as being noted. Thanks so much, as always, for your patience.

  • Unable to access ship functions from within a station (Issue tracker reference ticket
    • As per the report, Commanders have experienced being unable to access any of the ship functions when at the station services screen. Once again, as per the report, Commanders are required to leave Station Services to access ship functions and then go back again.
    • As another has noted, Commanders are unable to 'check their existing missions or inventory, or even consult the System and Galaxy maps without exiting completely from the station UI.'
  • It's been reported that ship launched fighters are failing still to attack Thargoids when giving orders to their pilot NPCs.
  • There's currently an issue whereby opening the System or Galaxy Map incorrectly issues a 'fade-to-black' transition.