Greetings Commanders!

Welcome to this week's Discovery Scanner! You'll have no doubt noticed that it now has a new home on our website, so if you're new to the site, make sure to look around the community section to check out everything from Galnet news to the Community Event Calendar! Now, on with this week's post.

Update 12

Last week's Frameshift Live revealed some of the first information on the upcoming Update 12, as well as an in-depth interview with Senior Designer Tom Kewell, who discussed all things missions in Odyssey. If you can't watch the episode, however, here's a quick summary of the things we revealed for Update 12 so far:

  • Performance and optimisation improvements
  • Access to the menu wheel while sat down
  • Ability to speak to the bartender while sat down
  • Ability to use the screen while in the Fleet Carrier owner's seat
  • Black Markets will now offer more for stolen goods
  • A huge number of bugfixes across both Odyssey and Horizons
  • An illegal variant of the Raid mission type.
  • Addition of shipyard terminal to detention centre so that players can recall their ship

This is merely scratching the surface when it comes to the amount of work put in to Update 12, so stay tuned in the coming weeks for more information, as well as the full patch notes on release day, which is currently aiming for the end of May.

Community Goal Top 10

Congratulations to the following Commanders who placed in the top 10 in the recently completed Community Goal!

Ri.L, DeadmeatGF, Kolista, Afrothoz, Colby Bear, Taschen, Mythomania, Wolfdust, Kiloseven

If you're looking for more ways to get involved with the community, make sure to check out our Elite Dangerous Community Event Calendar, and submit your own events to share with the world!

Commander Creations

The latest Little SRV comic strip from CMDR DasJav has the SRV questioning where the overly descriptive narration is coming from!

3D printed version of the Sidewinder and FDL

These 3D prints from u/thalion777 on Reddit are at 1:300 scale and definitely show off the size difference between the two ships!


That's all for this week! Remember, there is no Frameshift Live this Thursday as we have moved to a bi-weekly schedule. As the following week is a bank-holiday here in the UK, it's likely that the next Frameshift Live will be on Wednesday 1st June, but we will confirm this nearer the time.


Community Update