Greetings Commanders,

We’d like to thank you all for your patience whilst we’ve been working on our communications and development plans for the remainder of the year.

Following the launch of Odyssey, our primary focus has been on performance, optimisation and bug fixing, along with adding more features. This focus has had a knock-on effect with regards to our plans for this year and beyond and delayed our communications.

We understand the concern and frustration this has caused and hope this post goes some way to alleviate those feelings. Below we discuss profile transfers for console players and give an overview of the updates coming before the end of 2022.

Console Profile Transfers

We can now confirm that players will be able to copy their profiles from console to PC in light of Odyssey’s cancellation on Xbox and PlayStation. This process will be time limited and optional. We will provide a date for this process once it is confirmed.

The original profile will remain playable on console and the new PC profile will be a copy. Only one profile may be copied over per copy of the game. Please also be aware that this will be a one-time only process.

Elements that will be copied

  • Ships, Holo-Me, weapons, SRVs and SLFs
    • Including Cobra Mk IV if owned
  • Core progression (this includes…)
    • Inventory
    • Reputation
    • Navy Ranks
    • Permits
    • Codex Discoveries
    • Engineering progress
    • Guardian Tech Broker progress
  • NPC Crew progress
  • Cosmetics*

*Cosmetic items applied through the Livery (ships and Fleet Carriers) and Holo-Me will remain applied.

Elements that won’t be copied

  • Commander name*
  • ARX Balance**
  • Squadron membership
  • Friends lists, Block lists and Private Groups
  • Current mission progress
  • NPC Crew names and appearances

*The process will require a new name to be chosen if the original name is not available on PC.

**ARX balances cannot be transferred. We recommend that anyone who submits their account for the transfer process purchases any desired cosmetics beforehand. Any unspent ARX post-transfer will remain available on the original console profile.

Fleet Carriers and their contents

Fleet Carrier ownership cannot be transferred from one Commander to another. To players that wish to own a Fleet Carrier post-transfer we would advise the following:

  1. Decommission your Fleet Carrier ahead of the transfer
  2. Wait for the decommissioning to complete (two weeks).
  3. Check that credits from the decommissioning have been returned.
  4. Complete the profile transfer process
  5. Re-purchase a Fleet Carrier on PC

Precise dates for the opening and close of this process will be announced closer to the time.


Here we present our top-level roadmap for the remainder of 2022. Our three focuses before the year ends are launching the next phase of the narrative, stability and optimisation. We’ll release three more updates to support these.

Within the narrative, human space balances on the precipice as tension mounts within the bubble. The Azimuth Saga will conclude in a grand finale event, the consequences of which will mark the beginning of the next stage of the Elite story in Update 14.

Meanwhile, updates 12 and 13 will largely focus on quality-of-life changes, stability and optimisation. Work has also begun on a major feature overhaul for 2023 that we’ll discuss later in the year.

Please note that the details and timings of each release are subject to change and that any adjustments will be shared ahead of time. Beyond this we are also discussing additional game content, and we’ll reveal it once confirmed.

May 2022

Update 12

  • A new mission variant
  • Stability
  • Optimisation

August 2022

Update 13

  • Narrative content
  • Stability
  • Optimisation

November 2022

Update 14

  • Next major narrative phase
  • Stability

Early 2023

  • Key feature overhaul

Development Updates and Streams

Following the launch of Odyssey in 2021, we started publishing monthly development posts to share our progress on subsequent updates. In light of the remaining updates for 2022 being confirmed above, these will not continue. However, we will still provide detailed patch notes, information, and other relevant details around updates and hotfixes as they are released between each development post.

Regular streams from the Community team have returned. Going forwards, these will be fortnightly on Thursdays at 16:00-18:00 GMT. This additional time between streams will allow us to put on longer shows and take full advantage of the in-office studio. Frameshift Live has only just started and we have many exciting ideas to explore in the future! If you have not been watching, these streams now feature new and exclusive Twitch Drops that can be earned simply by watching.

We will also be launching our Partnership Programme later this year, offering content creators their own exclusive Twitch drops their communities can earn by watching them. More on this in the coming months!

We hope this post clarifies our continued support and plans for Elite. As always, we thank you for your feedback and support.


Image credit: CMDR Aymerix
