Hello Park Managers,

We are excited to announce that the Early Cretaceous Pack and free Update 1 are now available! The Early Cretaceous Pack adds 4 new exciting prehistoric animals to Jurassic World Evolution 2: Wuerhosaurus, Minmi, Dsungaripterus and Kronosaurus, and Update 1 introduces more playable maps, more building sets, rock perch points for flying reptiles, and several other quality of life changes and bug fixes. Read below for the full set of patch notes.

Patch Notes

DLC 1 - Early Cretaceous Pack

  • Flying Reptile
    • Dsungaripterus - Small Pterosaur<
  • Land Dinosaur
    • Minmi - Ankylosaur
    • Wuerhosaurus - Stegosaur
  • Marine Reptile
    • Kronosaurus - Pliosaur
  • Added new dinosaurs and reptiles to dig sites

New Content Free Update 1


  • Added DFW themed buildings to Sandbox mode, including new buildings:
    • Restroom
    • Lagoon
    • Lagoon Hatchery
    • Lagoon Viewing Gallery
    • Aviary
    • Aviary Hatchery
    • Aviary Viewing Gallery
    • Shark Feeder
    • Hotel Large
    • Hotel Small
    • Hatchery
    • Large Power Station
    • Small Power Station
    • Viewing Platform
  • Added extra JP themed buildings to Sandbox mode:
    • Lagoon
    • Lagoon Hatchery
    • Lagoon Viewing Gallery
    • Shark Feeder
    • Aviary
    • Aviary Hatchery
    • Aviary Viewing Gallery
  • Added a 'randomise all' button to Amenity and Guest Attraction architecture and colour customisation

Sandbox Mode

  • Added Sandbox versions of all 5 campaign levels (with appropriate landscape and building space tweaks)
  • Added 'Combat Frequency' option to Sandbox settings, letting you decide how often dinosaurs fight
  • Added flattened versions of all Sandbox levels with a building space cleared of trees etc; you can chose which one to use in the sandbox settings before starting a new map
  • Added Colour Grading options to sandbox settings; these change the colour tone of a level - you can choose from a predefined selection


  • Added level select screen in Campaign mode - once completed, you can now go back and re-play any of the campaign levels

Genome Editing

  • Updated the skin and pattern colour selection screen from a preview image to colour swatches; it's now easier to select the skin and pattern colour combinations you wish to use
  • Added a random swatch for both pattern and skin colour in Genome Editing. You can now hatch a batch of dinosaurs, each with a random skin and/or pattern colour
  • Added animal x-ray images to genome editing screen


  • Added 'auto paint' option to landscaping tools (off by default); with this option on, terrain that is raised or lowered will now automatically update it's texture to match (example, raising the terrain will create a rock texture at the top, which blends down into dirt/grass at the bottom)
  • Added perch points for flying reptiles on all placeable rocks
  • Improved visual feedback for terrain constraints


  • Added more details and info to the following buildings' tooltips:
    • Arrival Point
    • Control Centre
    • Expedition Centre
    • Staff Centre
    • Viewing Buildings
    • Customisable Attraction
    • Monorail Station
  • Added the ability to click on individual events in the Calamity bar when using mouse and keyboard. When clicking you are taken to the calamity location on the map
  • Added extra info to path connection warning message, clarifying that players need to ensure that buildings are connected to the Arrival Point through the path network
  • Added an info panel for the transport tool which shows the selected dinosaur and options for selling or loaning, where applicable
  • Added "Fossil Storage Full" message at dig sites on the expedition maps
  • Added more information to finance overview screen


  • Added more accessibility options:
    • Added pause function for cinematics, letting you pause the game at any time
    • Added 'signify speaker by colour' option in settings to differentiate between speakers in subtitles
    • Added 'Autosave Interval' in settings, allowing you to adjust autosave frequency between 1 and 20 minutes

Balance Changes

  • Reduced the frequency of storms and periodic disease outbreaks in Chaos Theory
  • Reduced the frequency of periodic disease outbreaks in Challenge levels on easy and medium difficulty
  • Dominance changes:
    • Reduced the dominance boost from traits that don't affect combat stats
    • Increased the dominance boost from traits that do affect combat stats
    • Fixed an issue that would cause the Aggressive trait to increase dominance more than intended
    • Reduced the increase in dominance from high infamy
    • Decreased the frequency of leadership challenges
  • Decreased the likelihood of dinosaurs fights causing injuries
  • Rebalanced the combat stats of dinosaurs that can be involved in group hunts
  • Contracts can now be requested more frequently in Challenge mode
  • Balanced selling eggs to the black market narrative event
  • Balanced economy in various challenge levels
  • Balanced Jurassic difficulty on Challenge 1
  • Balanced Triceratops comfort objective in Jurassic Park 3 Chaos Theory level (no longer auto completes)

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed issues that caused outside ambiance to play when inside an aviary dome
  • Added in various missing SFX on various animals


  • Fixed issue where selling a dinosaur/reptile straight from a Paleo Medical Facility could cause the helicopter to get stuck and lock the building
  • You are now blocked from demolishing a lagoon that contains a dead reptile until it has been removed
  • Fixed issued that caused half of a shark to vanish on a feeder when the camera is close to it
  • Gate animation can now be cancelled when opening, not just when closing
  • Fixed issues where buildings are warning that they are not powered, even when they don't need power
  • Show time remaining whilst lagoons and aviaries are under construction
  • Fixed gaps that can be caused when placing curved sections of fences
  • Fixed missing physics on buildings that are being demolished
  • Turned off the power UI when a power substation is deactivated
  • Fixed missing confirmation dialogue box when demolishing certain buildings
  • Fixed issues where buildings with vehicles can't be moved short distances because of collisions with the vehicles
  • Fixed a situation where Power Output and Fuel Usage information wouldn't appear when a Backup Generator had finished construction
  • Fixed the amenity building customisation screen close button not working
  • Added better feedback when a repair task is blocked by a dinosaur
  • Show running cost of power stations on info panel
  • Fixed deactivated Paleo Medical Facility still being able to incorrectly treat dinosaurs/reptiles
  • Fixed missing 'guest boost' indication on attraction buildings
  • Fixed amenity building signs being reset to default when loading into a save


  • Various crash fixes
  • Fixed softlock that could occur when creating a save whilst airlifting dinosaurs from a hatchery

Dinosaur/Reptile Animations

  • Fixed missing animation for pre-fight between Sauropelta vs Chungkingosaurus
  • Increased animation blend times during fights to make movement smoother
  • Fixed issue that caused flying reptiles to continually play 'eat social animations' (which can cause them to not actually eat when they need to)
  • Adjusted flying reptiles position when drinking, so they don't appear to sit on top of the water
  • Prevent Mosasaurus from clipping through the floor of the lagoon
  • Ensure a second animal is present before playing a social eat animation
  • Fixed various clipping issues with jump attack animations
  • Fixed cases where Dinosaurs could run on the spot
  • Fixed cases when animals could slide into various positions/spots in different situations
  • Fixed various popping/glitches on different animations
  • Fixed various alignment issues with social interactions
  • Improved the look/movement of hunt/chase pathing when prey get's into an area the dinosaur can't reach
  • Fixed various alignment issues when dinosaurs fight/hunt, including instances of dinosaurs teleporting
  • Fixed issue that could cause dinosaurs to turn on the spot
  • Reduced the amount of times that the Mosasaurus swims into the shark feeder support
  • Fixed various instances of dinosaurs/reptiles distorting whilst being airlifted from hatcheries
  • Fixed instances where dinosaurs would stand or lay on dead dinosaurs
  • Fixed situations that could cause flying reptiles to clip through the landscape
  • Fixed Ichthyosaur sometimes swimming above the lagoon water
  • Fixed various issues with hatchery exit animations on various dinosaurs

Dinosaur/Reptile Behaviours

  • Fixed issue that could cause a dinosaur that has recently become comfortable still attempting to breakout of their enclosure
  • Improved ragdoll movement and lessened clipping during different situations (dead, tranquilized)
  • Fixed issue where flying reptiles can end up underneath lagoons
  • Fixed issue where flying reptiles would attempt to eat from a deactivated piscivore feeder
  • Fixed issue that caused dinosaurs to eat from a corpse from the same place and clip into each other
  • Fixed situations where an animal may attempt to start a fight with another animal that's dying
  • When attempting to tranquilise a sleeping dinosaur, they will now wake up quickly rather than play out the whole rest animation
  • Balanced amount of food that dinosaurs can provide carnivores
  • Improved flying reptiles ability to hunt goats
  • Removed the 'Thirst' need from marine reptiles in the genome library
  • Balanced aggressive behaviour triggering fights with marine Vs marine and flying Vs flying
  • Improved positioning of dinosaur when it's eating prey that has moved from the position it was killed
  • Fix for Indoraptor sometimes not being able to catch goats during a hunt
  • Wild dinosaurs will now become domesticated if the player builds anything within their 'wild' territory

Dinosaur/Reptile Injuries & Diseases

  • Escalated diseases no longer need to be scanned again, and are monitored automatically
  • Fixed 'Infected Wounds' not appearing as a disease
  • Fixed wrong icon appearing above ill animals that you do have the cure for
  • Ensure scars are applied to animals in all appropriate situations, even non lethal ones
  • Balance pass on injuries received when a dinosaur attacks a fence
  • Rebalanced frequency of 'broken wing' and 'swallowed object' injuries
  • Increased the time it takes for a dead animal to discolour
  • Predators that die through a group attack now display 'Killed by' rather than 'Hunted by'
  • Previously seen ailments will now reveal themselves immediately, without the need for a medical scan

Dinosaur/Reptile Models

  • Fixed texture stretching around the Carcharodontosaurus leg
  • Enabled snow/dust settling on dead dinosaurs
  • Pteranodon 1997 skin can now be unlocked correctly (to unlock, play Chaos Theory: The Lost World. If you've already finished this level, just load your last save and it should unlock)
  • Removed quills from Velociraptor 2001B skin
  • Fixed the Suchomimus always having visible lift straps when released
  • The Deluxe Edition species are now available by default in Sandbox Mode


  • Lowered guest comfort needs
  • Added notification when income tax becomes deductible
  • Fixed situation that could cause the player not be able to start incubating a marine reptile, even though they have enough money


  • Moved the Hanson Formation dig site, which contains the Cryolophosaurus, further up the map so that it's accessible
  • Expedition helicopter now leaves when performing a live capture


  • Fixed issue that could cause the fish from lagoon fish feeders to swim outside of the lagoon itself
  • Fixed meat vanishing early from dinosaurs mouth whilst eating


  • Fixed cacti blocking navigation of vehicles and dinosaurs, stopping dinosaurs from detecting wetland

Game Settings

  • Ensured that camera shake is actually turned off, if selected, when placing rocks in sandbox mode. Setting has also been moved to the Accessibility section

Game Modes

  • Ensured that storms are actually frequent, if the player selects the 'Frequent Storms' sandbox setting
  • Fixed various contracts that could be given out in Challenge that can't be completed due to restrictions on the level
  • Removed 'Increase Genome' contract from sandbox mode, as players can't increase a genome in that mode
  • Various contracts that can't be completed in Chaos Theory mode won't be offered to the player
  • Fixed rounding issue in the first Campaign level that could cause the 'ensure Stegosaurus are at 90% comfort' not to be completed, when the Stegosaurus comfort is at 90%
  • Stopped highlighting buildings that don't need to be demolished as part of an early objective in the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Chaos Theory level
  • Fixed edge case where a player can create a save game just after a failure state, meaning the player can not continue
  • The dinosaurs roaming around Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Chaos Theory level no longer count as 'terrorising'
  • Fixed various flow issues on Campaign levels that could cause objectives to be incompletable
  • Fixed timer in Challenge Mode
  • Fixed Wild dinosaurs in Washington State Campaign level wandering up to main facility area, which could cause objectives to not complete

Genome Editing

  • You should now get better feedback when certain gene modifications need to be unlocked in other areas of the game, not through research
  • Variants and patterns unlocked by completing Challenge levels no longer also require a tech tree node to be researched


  • Balanced the rate and way in which guests refill a park after it's closed and opened
  • Guests now react at photo points during the Jurassic Tour

JW Database

  • Fixed various data inconsistencies and typos


  • Stopped terrain being modified underneath buildings that are being demolished
  • Fixed issue that could cause terrain tool to not work correctly when flattening/raising terrain around lagoons


  • Fixed various truncated text
  • Fixed various typos
  • Adjusted language/terminology consistency
  • Adjusted subtitles to match VO
  • Fixed various missing localisations

Narrative Events

  • Removed 'Theft Sabotage' events in favour of other, better sabotage ones
  • Added details of the scientist involved in applicable narrative events


  • Optimised territory system

Park Teams

  • Prevented players being able to erroneously lock on to marine and flying reptiles, when direct controlling ACU helicopter
  • Fixed ranger team vehicle being launched into the air when driving over a dead goat
  • Ensured the 'danger to vehicle' icon is shown in the appropriate places
  • Added extra visual trails to darts fired from the park team to give better aiming feedback to the player
  • Fixed issue where the helicopter could clip through the landscape
  • Fixed missing animations on Park Team member when switching between equipment
  • Fixed Ranger Teams needing to be re-assigned to a drone task after being disabled after a storm
  • Ranger Team vehicles now produce tire tracks when going in reverse
  • Fixed Response Facility sometimes showing access to 3 vehicles, when it actually has 2
  • Fixed controller inputs sometimes being blocked after being forced into direct control
  • Ensured destroyed MVUs are added to the calamity bar
  • Ensured that renamed Ranger Posts also appear on the Rangers UI
  • Drone rotors now spin when in use
  • Added shortcut to buy new vehicle from selecting a destroyed one
  • Fixed issue causing drones in lagoons and aviaries to sometimes become stuck
  • Fixed sometimes not be able to replace a destroyed ranger vehicle
  • Added prompt to tell player how to switch targets when locked on to a dinosaur
  • Stopped transport helicopters falling to the ground when loading into a save where they're transporting an animal
  • Blocked park team vehicles from being directly driven into aviaries as they will not be able to navigate out on their own
  • Ranger vehicles that crash into the lagoon will now sink and the vehicle will respawn outside

Park Tours/Transport

  • Added extra info to tell the player how to fix a tour that has suffered an emergency shut down
  • Dead goats on tour tracks despawn more quickly, and don't allow dinosaurs to sleep on tracks either (to lessen the amount of times tours get stuck)
  • Fixed issue where monorail track piece would move towards the camera as player pans down


  • Fixed flickering issue when trying to place a path junction across a tour path


  • Fixed incorrect 'Ranger Team' text when taking a picture that features the Mobile Veterinary Unit


  • Fixed visual artefact that could appearing along the top of water whilst a dinosaur is drinking
  • Updated Campaign 2 Colour Grading


  • Applying more skill to a task that is needed no longer incorrectly counts as applying a trait
  • Fixed 'show unavailable staff' off the bottom of the assign screen when player has large number of scientists
  • Fixed images of scientists not appearing straight away when perform research tasks
  • Fixed issue that could cause salaries of applicants to be too low
  • Fixed various bio inconsistencies
  • Players can assign scientists to tasks if they have the a trait that makes the task cheaper so they can afford it


  • Ensure all vehicles are appropriately affected by storms


  • Fixed issue where the 'Ticket Sales' UI was incorrectly stating that Adventure guests desired the Gyrosphere Tour attraction, when they actually want the Jurassic Tour attraction
  • Fixed issue that caused a mis-match of progress between the genome grid and details panel
  • Added missing button prompt on the Paleo Medical Facility when a healed dinosaur/reptile needs transporting back to an enclosure
  • Fixed empty 'Standing By' icon
  • Disabled the Paleo Medical Facility 'Transport' button when there are no available helicopters to carry out the task
  • Improved visuals when a fossil is selected to be extracted
  • Fixed size of the ranger team icon in assign task mode
  • Fixed issue where the incubation timer could loop infinitely
  • Made various UI panel options cycle round
  • When the task log is open, the d-pad can select items in the log, not the build menu
  • Fixed some building icons in the build menu not matching the in game model
  • Fixed issue that stopped players being able to use the left thumbstick to select options when resupplying response team
  • The "Clear Extraction Slots" button will no longer display when fossils are being extracted
  • Added missing 'Scientist Limit' data to egg incubation screen
  • Delivery tool tip when selling animal confirmation is open is now hidden
  • Updated loading animation
  • Fixed icons and lines on the map view shaking whilst the player moves around it
  • Fixed issue that sometimes stopped the 'synthesis' button from working on the hatchery screen
  • Ensure the live capture event is focused on when the map is opened
  • Fixed ESC key not working correctly if the mouse is over the in game HUD
  • Fixed negative amenity profit sometimes still showing as blue, and not red
  • Fixed hatcheries displaying total number of species available, rather than just ones that can be released through the specific one
  • Track junctions should now appear on the map view
  • Fixed various missing or broken icons in different research screens
  • Fixed the star rating and finance buttons on the HUD becoming unresponsive
  • Always show the Cosmetic stat in the Dinosaur Appeal tab on the info window
  • Ensured the pause menu can still be accessed whilst the game time is paused and the pause wheel is still open
  • General pass on UI focus consistency
  • Fixed not being able to use a controller thumbstick to change number of vehicles on a gyrosphere tour


  • Added particle effects when flying reptiles break out of aviaries
  • Fixed light still emitting from a flare that has been removed