Greetings, Operatives. We have released an update for Lemnis Gate addressing various changes and tweaks. Please read on for more information:

Patch Notes


  • Halftime/Fulltime Engine Crash: Fixed the following related issues causing a crash:
    • Crash while quitting to the main menu when a critical damage number is displayed in the pause menu
    • Crash while quitting to the main menu when the explosion VFX from an explosive barrel is displayed in the pause menu
  • Party System Splitting: Fixed instances of the party being split between teams when loading into a new match on a new map from the end screen countdown
  • Xbox Series X Party System: Fixed an issue where the party system could become non-functional after resuming from a console suspend. Non-hosts now display a ‘Connection refused’ if they fail to get into a party after returning from a suspend. If they are then re-invited they are able to join the party
  • Queue Cancelling: Fixed an issue that while queueing for an online match, entering the Customize Operative menu (via the 'Customize Operative' prompt) then backing out to the main menu would result in the queue being cancelled
  • Join Codes Queue Functionality: Fixed an issue with 2v2 join codes not always functioning as expected to allow players to join matches with their friends
  • Black Screen: Fixed an issue when queuing where a player could come across a black screen when attempting to load into a match
  • Network Reconnection on Xbox Consoles: The game now correctly handles network reconnection on Xbox (all platforms) after launching the game with no network connection
  • User Switch on PS4: Fixed an issue where accessing an active instance of Lemnis Gate with a different user on the same PS4 would stall the game on the log-in screen
  • Steam Connection: Fixed an issue at the title screen when the Steam connection fails
  • Motion Sickness Improvements:
    • Extended the maximum Field of View (FOV) range to 110
    • Removed the chromatic aberration post-FX that was previously shown at the end of each 25 second time loop (which also provides a slight performance improvement)
    • Decreased the FOV change intensity when sprinting and sliding
    • Additionally bound the camera FOV change strengths (when performing a sprint/slide/jump/in the air, etc.) to the Camera Shake Intensity setting
  • PC Windows Store: Fixed an issue to prevent two instances of the PC Windows Store version being able to be run simultaneously on the same PC
  • XP Prompt: Fixed an issue where in the first half of online matches the XP prompt at the bottom-centre of the screen show players an incorrect amount of XP gained for completing objectives and obtaining kills
  • Recon Drone Propeller: Recon drone propeller placement could desynchronize with the drone's body if left idle for a certain period of time
  • PS5 Activities: Fixed an issue where the ‘Normal Match’ PS5 Activities now ends correctly when the match ends, both via conceding and via playing a full match
  • Replay Loops Performance: Fixed an issue with recording replay loops in the training maps that could push the performance down significantly, by adding a minimum time loop length of 5 seconds
  • Vendetta Attack Pods: Fixed an issue where the camera shake, when building one of Vendetta’s Attack Pods, might not turn off correctly
  • Operative Highlight: Fixed a minor issue with the Operative's coloured highlight when receiving damage, clipped into the Operative's model
  • Multiple server-side crash bug fixes (Miscellaneous server stability improvements)
  • Improved loading times on all platforms


  • KARL's Projection Orb (Functionality): Further increased the projectile radius and its speed. Also decreased the gravity applied to the projectile. These adjustments should make it easier to attach shields to your team!
  • KARL's Projection Orb (Visuals): Improved the visual clarity of KARL's Projection Orb shield, especially from the inside.
  • Deathblow’s Ability Trail: Re-instated a VFX trail for Deathblow’s proximity mines.
  • Toxin (Lag Compensation): Fixed a lag compensation issue with the accuracy of the teleport preview for Toxin’s Displacer ability not lining up with actual teleport results under certain network conditions
  • Projectile Path: Fixed an issue where the predicted projectile path does not match the actual projectile trajectory under certain network conditions
  • XM ‘Flag’: The XM objectives within the Retrieve XM game mode are now set to no longer receive decals


  • Striker Animation: Tweaked Sniper Rifle firing animation
  • Vendetta Animation: Implemented third person recoil animations for hip fire and aim-down-sights (ADS) fire
  • Deathblow’s Animation: Adjusted Deathblow’s ADS animation
  • Rush Animation: Adjusted Rush’s ADS animation
  • Recoil Animation: Added support for third person recoil animation states
  • Kapitan Animations:
    • Implemented third person recoil animations for hip fire and ADS fire
    • Tweaked Kapitan’s aim offset and facial animations
  • Toxin Animations:
    • Adjusted Toxin’s ADS animation
    • Adjusted the Striker’s ADS facial animations


  • Key Bindings: As widely requested, added mouse button binding to Operative actions to improve accessibility
  • D-Pad Selection: Fixed menu scrolling not working with the D-Pad and allowed D-Pad selection on setting items in the Settings menu.
  • Photo Mode Key Bindings: Fixed an issue where if the player rebinds any of the photo mode bindings to the R key while in the keyboard and mouse tab of the Settings menu, upon rebinding, the prompt would tell the player that ‘Change Playrate’ must be bound to something else, as it has become unbound
  • Antialiasing Settings: Fixed the AA setting when using the global quality pre-set selector
  • Audio Settings: Fixed an issue where the ‘Dialog’ option text wasn’t displaying in the correct language in the Audio Settings menu
  • Resolution Display Issues (PC Steam Only): Fixed the issues with native resolutions greater than 1080:
    • When using a 4K screen, selecting the Window Mode option of Borderless Window no longer defaults to 1920x1080 but instead to the highest supported resolution
    • Resolution 2560x1440 no longer displays improperly on game start up


  • Keyboard Overlap: Fixed virtual keyboard overlapping with the Operative HUD on restarting a match
  • Continue Prompt: Fixed an issue with data not being replicated on pressing 'Continue' as soon as it appears at the end of the 2nd half of a match that would cause the final scoreboard to not to display the 2nd half score
  • Scoreboard/Pause Menu: Fixed an issue where players who have the pause menu open until the scoreboard is displayed are given focus to the pause menu. However, upon selecting menu options such as 'Settings' or 'Change World' when the player presses the B button to return to the pause menu their controller focus was then pulled to the scoreboard screen below
  • Scoreboard GUI Pop-Ups: Fixed an issue where available scoreboard GUI pop-ups persist into the next half of the match if they're open when the continue timer reaches 0
  • ‘Choose a Timeline’ Menu: Fixed an issue where if a player opened the 'Choose a Timeline' sub-menu, then pressed the BACK button twice, all in quick succession, the 'Choose a Timeline' menu persisted to other menus and controller focus was on the underlying menu(s)
  • Loadout Menu: Fixed an issue where when using keyboard & mouse, if a player navigated to the loadout tab and opened either the 'Select A Weapon To Equip', 'Select A Suit To Equip', or 'Select A Taunt To Equip' menus and then backed out, then the Back button would become non-functional if the player then switched to using a controller
  • Controller Navigation: Fixed the controller not being able to navigate to the Report button
  • Pause Menu: Fixed an issue where if the player had the Pause Menu open during the introductory video to Operative select, the option 'Concede’ would appear. Attempting to hover over the selection would skip it, and hover over 'Resume' or 'Quit' instead
  • Player Invite GUI: If an invite is accepted while in a Training map the player who accepted the invite will be taken to the main menu where they will begin joining the party. While doing so, they would have been shown a party of 4 players already partied-up and incorrectly displaying the names 'PlayerName'
  • Social Menus: Fixed an issue when a player navigated to the Recent Players tab/submenu within the Social menu would show all players in the Recent Players list always appearing as offline, even if any of the players on the list were online at the time
  • Replay File Error: Fixed an issue where the ‘Old Replay File’ error prompt would show over-and-over again on clicking the ‘Yes’ button
  • ‘Reset to Default’ Trigger: Fixed an issue where players could trigger the ‘Reset to Default’ option while the ‘Save Setting’ UI pop-up is open on the screen
  • Name Change: Fixed a blocked player's name not updating in-game after they have made a name change
  • Death Skull UI Element Display: Fixed an issue where the death skull icon was not appearing on the HUD after death
  • Other GUI improvements and fixes


  • Based on player feedback, we’ve adjusted sight lines on some maps to avoid the camping of objectives. Additional bug fixes on maps have also been implemented.
  • Basics (Mission Objective Videos): Fixed an issue where mission objective training videos were not playing within the Basics tutorial map
  • Training Facility Performance: Fixed an issue where the performance would drop when viewing the whole of the main hall on the Training Facility map and other miscellaneous bug fixes
  • Time Loop Simulation: Fixed some texture flickering on parts of the vents the player flies through with the Recon Drone
  • Quarry: Fixed some minor texture flickering on parts of the metal beams near the blue team’s gate
  • Iridium Plains: Fixed some floating rock assets behind the blue team’s gate


  • Match Summary Audio: Fixed the match summary sound looping while travelling to the next map
  • Operative Audio Fixes: Adjustments made to the operative spawn SFX
  • VO Language Fixes:
    • If the user set the game's language to English but the PC's language was set to another language (In this case Spanish-Mexican), the VO in the main menu played in Spanish despite the game being set to English through Steam
    • Fixed an issue where launching the game in Traditional Chinese would have the AI voice localization play in English
  • Miscellaneous Audio Adjustments: Adjustments and improvements made to certain sound buses/sound classes, the menu click SFX and the reverb in ‘Solitude’ and ‘The Arbor’ maps