Greetings commanders!

Thank you all for the excellent and valuable feedback you have provided during Phase 1 of the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Alpha. We have been collecting your comments and sharing them with our development team. We are excited to announce Phase 2 will start TODAY at 14:00 BST/13:00 UTC.

Phase 2 will include the following:

  • A new starting system: Nervi
  • Starting credits 300,000 for new Commanders. This will also be added to existing Alpha Commanders’ balances.
  • A Cobra ship with multi-crew seat free to every Commander
  • Expanded playable galaxy to approximately 20LY
  • Conflict Zones on foot are now playable
  • New suit available for purchase: Dominator

A number of reported issues from Phase 1 have been resolved or addressed for this build. Please note that these are not ALL of the reported issues or fixes from Phase 1.


  • New starting system and ship ownership should alleviate long travel times
  • Issue fixed where players reported getting stuck in front of Vendor
  • Added extra mission information, such as travel distance and pre-requisites, to further improve the player experience
  • Fixed a few issues where mission objectives would not clear, or would not be displayed/initiated
  • Fixed the issue where missions were not displaying the correct threat levels
  • Adjusted fire area of effect causeing players to receive fire damage through walls and ceilings
  • Pressing escape after booking APEX will no longer leave players ‘stuck’ at the counter
  • Reboot/restore mission will now provide players with the Power Regulators if required
  • Suit and weapon upgrades fixed
  • System map should now open at the correct speed
  • Fixed graphical issues experienced when entering and leaving ‘local map’ on foot
  • Players can now pay fines and bounties via starport services and the authority contact
  • Adjusted crime detection and consequences for all activities.

We need your help

In Phase 2, players may experience ‘Orange Sidewinder’ whilst in physical multi-crew, when flying to destinations or dropping into/out of supercruise/glide. This is a major bug that we are aware of, but need your help to fully investigate. Please ensure, when reporting this issue, you provide as much detail as possible. As always, thank you for your support.

Known Issues

  • Players will experience a crash when inviting others to ‘Teams’ whilst on foot – hotfix imminent
  • Whilst on foot, players unable to select a side in a Conflict Zone via their Comms panel – this is not an issue if players use Frontline Solutions, or select a side whilst still in their ship
  • In Conflict Zones, Victory credits shown are incorrect (too low)
  • When in ‘Teams’ and in a hanger, players may experience ‘invisible’ host ship
  • Player models may move through counters if sprinting, when they interact with a vendor or terminal
  • Collection mission objective may only update for one person in the instance
  • When in the 'Long distance planner', selecting your ship and moving around the galaxy UI will soft-lock the player upon exiting
  • Unable to meet up: If you are having issues meeting up, return to the front end and try again
  • Oculus Rift HMD does not display the game
  • When a crime has been cleared, it is still shown in the authority contact at the social space terminal
  • ‘Complete Missions' button may not work at station terminals
  • Players may find that selecting to transfer consumables from the ship's inventory does not work

As always we will continue to optimise Odyssey throughout its development.

Please be sure to share your new feedback for Phase 2 in our feedback thread and to report any issues on our Issue Tracker.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Game Update