Greetings Commanders,

Following the success of the Federation during the Interstellar Initiative, the Golconda, commanders will be able to earn increased Federation rank from 5 December to 16 December. 


Golconda’s Inhabitants Migrate to Forester’s Choice

The crew of the generation ship Golconda have migrated to their new home - the outpost Forester’s Choice in the Upaniklis system.

Following a successful bid to assist the Golconda crew with their relocation, the Federation arranged for transportation from the ancient vessel to the outpost now in orbit around Upaniklis B 3.

Communication with the generation ship in the days prior to departure revealed a certain amount of trepidation among their people. But with centuries of space travel having exhausted the Golconda’s ability to adequately sustain the colonists, the majority supported the decision to relocate.

The Golconda’s command staff also confirmed that they would continue distillation of the beverage Apa Vietii. This unique spirit will be on sale to traders from Forester’s Choice.

Professor Elizabeth Perez, head of anthropology at Orion Independent University, was on hand to observe the mass resettlement:

“Many of the colonists openly wept as they stepped aboard the transport vessels, speaking words of thanks and sorrow to the Golconda itself. On several occasions, the emigrants broke spontaneously into song, with hundreds locked arm-in-arm.”

“During the flight I overheard a group of youths chatting excitedly about the technology that would be available to them, perhaps ignorant of the significance of their journey. But most striking was the people’s collective determination to maintain their unique culture, and to remain together as they enter this new chapter.”

“It remains to be seen whether this society will retain its isolationist outlook or willingly integrate with the galaxy. We can only hope that these remarkable travellers from the past will be left alone long enough to explore 34th-century humanity at their own pace.”

To celebrate this historic event, the Federation has announced that a purchase discount will be applied to Federal craft between the 5th and 16th of December 3305.



  • A Federation-affiliated Outpost named Forester's Choice has been added to the Upaniklis system.
  • From 5 December to 16 December, any Federation Rank will be earned at an double rate alongside a discount to Federal ships.
  • The Rare Good, Apa Vietii, is available for purchase at Forester's Choice.
  • 'The Golconda' decal will be available to commanders who dock at Forester's Choice or either Federation or Empire megaship from 5 December to 16 December.